Category: Seasonal Drinks
This little glass of soju is so strong that some claim you'll need to be sewn back together after drinking it.
This item allows you to apply the Stitched trait to your succubun. Please submit your redesign under "Update Design" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Category: Seasonal Drinks
Someone once claimed that after drinking this twist on a classic boulevardier, their body moved on its own, as if puppeted by an outside force... Of course, that was after having nearly a dozen glasses.
This item allows you to apply the Marionette trait to your succubun. Please submit your redesign under "Update Design" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Distilled Spirits
Category: Seasonal Drinks
Some claim that these spirits are cursed, dooming the drinker to be haunted by the souls of the damned...
This item allows you to apply the Spirit Motes trait to your succubun. Please submit your redesign under "Update Design" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Angora Au Lait
Category: Coffee
A collaboration between Paradise Café and the Rabbit Hole, this sweet coffee drink is topped with heaps of fluffy, frothy milk foam.
This item allows you to apply the Angora Fur trait to your succubun. Please submit your redesign under "Submit Claim" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Purchaseable At:
Category: Coffee
The icy-hot contrast of espresso poured over ice cream will give you the kick in the tail you need to get moving when you're sleepy.
This item allows you to apply the Tailless trait to your succubun. Please submit your redesign under "Submit Claim" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Purchaseable At:
Decaf Loptte
Category: Coffee
This creamy latte is delicious, but it won't stop you from dragging your feet in the morning.
This item allows you to apply the Long Ears trait to your succubun. Please submit your redesign under "Submit Claim" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Purchaseable At:
Category: Coffee
This double shot of espresso will perk you right up!
This item allows you to apply the Perky Ears trait to your succubun. Please submit your redesign under "Submit Claim" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Purchaseable At:
Ambrosia Drop
Category: Ambrosia
A little sip of ambrosia is a great pick-me-up for any cherubun.
This item allows you to update your cherubun's masterlist art, add additional official reference images after creation, remove a trait, or make a small change to your cherubun's colors or markings. Please submit your redesign under "Update Design" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Purchaseable At:
Ambrosia Vial
Category: Ambrosia
This basic vial of ambrosia can cure a cherubun of simple ills, and also makes a great soft drink.
This item allows you to make large changes to your cherubun's colors and markings, or completely revamp them. Please submit your redesign under "Update Design" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Purchaseable At:
Divine Ambrosia
Category: Ambrosia
This bottle of pure ambrosia has a rich flavor, tasting faintly of vanilla and sunlight.
This item allows you to apply one saintly trait to your cherubun. Please submit your redesign under "Update Design" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Purchaseable At:
Frosty Ambrosia
Category: Ambrosia
This bottle of frozen ambrosia has a sweet and minty aftertaste.
This item allows you to apply one winter seasonal trait to your cherubun. Please submit your redesign under "Update Design" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Floral Ambrosia
Category: Ambrosia
This bottle of refreshing ambrosia is flavored with many types of flower petals and herbs.
This item allows you to apply one spring seasonal trait to your cherubun. Please submit your redesign under "Update Design" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Purchaseable At:
Salty Ambrosia
Category: Ambrosia
This bottle of bubbly ambrosia offsets its natural sweetness with fresh sea salt.
This item allows you to apply one summer seasonal trait to your cherubun. Please submit your redesign under "Update Design" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Bitter Ambrosia
Category: Ambrosia
This bottle of acerbic ambrosia is deliciously complex to those with acquired tastes.
This item allows you to apply one autumn seasonal trait to your cherubun. Please submit your redesign under "Update Design" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Black Sesame Dango
Category: Dango
Though most succubun foods have erratic effects on imps, black sesame seems to "cleanse" them. Feeding this to an imp will revert it back to its standard form.
To use this dango on your imp, go to your Pets page and select the imp you want to use it on. Click the Change Variant tab, then select this item .
Purchaseable At:
Strawberry Dango
Category: Dango
Matcha Dango
Category: Dango
Mitarashi Dango
Category: Dango
Red Bean Dango
Category: Dango