31 March 2023 (1 year and 7 months ago)
Assistant Admin
He/Him - 26 - Assistant Admin

I really like profile comments, so don't be afraid to leave one! :)


Current icon by yandrawszz / Pagedoll by Kunamei / profile art by popopopopo623sk


2118.png 559.png 881.png
this section is a wip, sorry!

HTML by LeafJelly

0 Carats
253 Favor
0 Wicks
0 Ink Drops
0 Stakes
Slots Spin
Black Licorice Mochi
Roulette Spin
Soy Sauce


BonefydSkeleton Avatar

Grabbing the Val page doll and eating her like the emote you just shared with me

2024-11-12 19:33:00

BonefydSkeleton Avatar

Did you know that



If the shoe fish 👞 👟 👠 🐟 🐠 🎣


2024-11-05 22:00:01 (Edited 2024-11-05 22:00:21)

kingfauna Avatar
kingfauna Staff Member


2024-11-05 22:01:23

Bisc Avatar

What do you call a group of rabbits hopping backwards?

A receding hare line :)

2024-10-04 09:56:14

kingfauna Avatar
kingfauna Staff Member

terrible thank u

2024-10-04 19:18:46 (Edited 2024-11-12 19:48:10)

BonefydSkeleton Avatar

I was in the neighborhood and wanted to say hiiiiiii and pat little itty bitty Val on the head 💜 imagine I’m 70 year spinning you rn lalalalalalala wheeee

2024-09-17 18:57:38

kingfauna Avatar
kingfauna Staff Member

YOU!!! Spinning you around and crying!!!! do you have any idea how happy the profile comment made me... like yeah we were already talking but this is like another vibe entirely. immortalized on my profile forever whoa no way

2024-09-17 19:31:50

VilmaMonster Avatar

Thank you so much for so nice and kind words about my art submission.
Additional thank for explanation about how to use calculator. I was used to think that i need to insert the number of carats. And i didn't knew before that it's possible to get carats for general art. Now i'm motivated much to impruve my art skills to earn more buns.

Your avatar is so cool! Can you be so nice to show me the art you use for it?

2024-06-29 04:54:19

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