[Closed] [Auction] Summer Evenings

Posted 1 year and 7 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 7 months ago by Yves
Auction: BUN-464[Closed]
Design: Oneiir ・ Art: Oneiir
Starting Bid: $50
Minimum Increment: $5

BBQ king

Auction: BUN-465[Closed]
Design: Oneiir ・ Art: Oneiir
Starting Bid: $50
Minimum Increment: $5

Firefly Queen

As summer gets into full swing and the days get longer, let's enjoy the long summer eve together!
These two buns were made with love by Oneiir, and are here for summer fun! You can even get a semi-custom chibi doll at a high enough bid!
Maybe they can all get together to watch the fire works later tonight?

$50 SB, with a chibi semi-custom at 200$ or more 

Please bid in the comment threads below. The auction will end in 48 hours, aka 7/22/23 at 8:00pm site time.
There is a 1 hour snipe guard in place.


Once the invoice is sent, you have 24 hours to pay. The Succubuns TOS applies to all design sales.



Yves Avatar
Yves Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Bid for bun-465(Firefly queen) here!

2023-07-20 20:00:35

meariris Avatar


2023-07-20 20:01:40

ornamental Avatar
ornamental Staff Member


2023-07-20 20:07:23

Yves Avatar
Yves Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Bid for bun-464 (BBQ king) here!

2023-07-20 20:00:24

deadlydeer Avatar

sb !

2023-07-20 20:04:37

RainyFey Avatar


2023-07-20 20:08:32

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