New Carat Guide & Carat Payout Update
Posted 3 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 months and 1 week ago by YvesHello, Burrowgatory! After the incredibly positive reception of our updated Design Guide this summer, the Succubuns team has been hard at work on another guide revamp to help you with your art and writing submissions.
The Updated Carat Guide
With 8 new pages, detailed guidelines for common submission pitfalls, and tons of visual examples provided by our amazing mod team, we hope this carat guide will make submitting prompts easier than ever!
The guide isn't the only thing that's been updated, though!
Updated Carat Payouts
Over the past two years, Succubuns has grown immensely, adding many new features that have allowed players to earn carats through on-site gameplay. Unfortunately, the easier it is to earn carats in other ways, the less worthwhile it's become to engage with the primary focus of an ARPG like Succubuns: creating art!
To that end, we've updated the carats earned for art and writing to better reflect the current value of carats, and the relative effort it takes to submit creative works.
Art rewards have been increased by 5-15 carats, depending on the type of art.
Writing rewards have been increased by 1 carat per 100 words, and the method for calculating earnings for written pieces has been streamlined to avoid confusion. You can learn about the new method on the Writing Rewards page of the updated Carat Guide.
We hope that these payout increases will make the effort of submitting creative works more worthwhile, and will help motivate you to draw and write about your succubuns!
An Important Note About Inflation and MYO Items
We know that inflation is probably the last thing you want to be thinking about right now, but it is an inevitable fact of all economies. In virtual game economies like Succubuns, gentle inflation is actually a positive thing for the health of the game, making it easier for new players to "catch up" to older players! However, it can still have unintended or negative effects that need to be corrected for, such as the fallen relative value of art and writing rewards prior to this update.
As carats have fallen to nearly half the value they possessed when Succubuns first started, MYOs have become increasingly easier to obtain, and the rate at which new MYOs are submitted continues to outpace the rate at which our player count grows. In order for MYO items to retain their intended value, and to keep MYO submissions from growing exponentially, we may need to raise the base price of a Hell in a Handbasket to match carat inflation.
This is not something that's happening immediately—our plan for now is to observe the impact that October's new features and the new carat payouts have on the economy and the rate of MYO submissions. However, if we determine it necessary, we may raise the price of the standard Hell in a Handbasket item starting in the new year. We hope that you can understand why this is something we need to consider!
oh yeah that's definitely a good idea, i'm in a bunch of other cs where there are just blank myos everywhere and people trying to trade their slots for art but everyone has too many slots
2024-11-27 05:47:06
Feature Comment