MYO-8764: Fló

Owned by SteamingOwl

As soft, petite, shy and delicate as a snowflake, Petite Flócon (Or Fló) is a new talent descovered when Joaquín had to pick somebody to make a collaboration with. This gave a 180º change to her carrer when they went viral and the porn star's agent decided to take Fló under their wings as well. Now, with the pure and pristine vibe of somebody beautiful and hard to approach but with a very spicy subtone, Fló has been living the fame she's always dreamed of... Just... she never expected to be part of such large amount of pin-ups and nsfw content... This confuses and surprises her since this never was what she wanted, but ... maybe she wasn't using her full potential, she wonders...?

Petite Flócon (Fló) · She/Her · Fem presenting · 1,61m · Appears 35 y.o · Envy succubun
People pleaser · Shy · Delicate.

She has a very hard time saying no. Secretly she envies and judges everyone around her. Flo's especially envious of Joaquin because from her point of view he just had luck with both his charisma and the chances he got in early his career. She tries to hide this because she wants to keep on his good side-- Also, she has heard that he has very dangerous people around him who wouldn't hesitate to ruin anybody who messes with him-- And she... she doesn't want to be part of any drama...

Fló's just starting to live her dreams, after all ;; Please, support her!

· She always wears very femenine and elegant outfits. A lot of whites and pale blues. Even when she's alone home she likes wearing cute little dresses.
· Blue eyes! Very pale eyelashes
· She's dick haver!
· She eats very little. She likes fruits (Especially red apples) and green vegetables.
· Extremely patient.

You can draw her:
· You can draw her being teased by your bun. I see her as a very passive bun and tbh? It's very fun to see her flustered and a bit turned on. She's kinda pathetic.
· She secretely has a humillation kink :'D So use this as you could (?)
· You can draw her being cute in snow-like scenarios! She likes white imps, especially winged ones.
· You can draw her with her eyes open! You can draw her eyes as little dots or in anime-like style.
· You can draw her without that tear on her eye too, she isn't always crying.
· You can change her clothes as long as they match her style. Mostly white or snow/ice aesthetic dresses!
· I can see her being very friendly towards cherubuns.. she likes their vibe. So maybe draw her with your little angels?

You can't draw her:
· In any yandere kind of way
· Yelling, being furious. She bottles up all her feelings...
· You can't change her colors
· Don't draw her wearing a fashion style that doesn't match her vibe, she would never wear jeans, for example.

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