MYO-8665: Alcea Rosea ✤

Owned by VoiceofTime

Master of the Garden

 They/Them - Masc Presenting - Motherly, Cheerful, Welcoming

A Cherubun with a grace as though they could  walk on water...

When one falls, what do you leave behind? And more importantly, what do you have to gain?

While Alcea had been a devout Cherubun in the Heavenly Meadow, and always appeased by the care they received from Melangel, curiosity was hard to avoid when a cetain Cherubun chose to defy a pleasantly cushy lifestyle to see the world of Burrowgatory below. It was even more so difficult when one close to him was also eager to delve into the lower realm, and with little extra thought Alcea would agree and choose to descend.

It's safe so say though, the secenery in Burrowgatory left a lot to be desired. Alcea quickly began to yearn for home comforts, and while the Heavenly Embassy's own gardens did help scratch that itch for a bit, they longed to be able to tend to a plot of land of their own that they could truly have a say in the care and variety of what blooms were available. Soon, they would begin regularly attending any and every library they could find, looking into all the books available that provided knowledge on the flora that was commonplace in Burrowgatory. Though there were little differences between the common types of flowers between the two sides, Alcea did notice that the types that grew in their new home tended to lack the vibrance of those back in the Meadow.

But no matter, they would simply take this on as another challenge to be overcome!

And thus, with much care and patience, what started as a seeming 'pet project' to have a piece of home in Hell, Alcea's garden became a sprawling talking point. For, not only did they start to grow and attempt to perfect the ways of growing a variety of plant life, but they also looked for other uses to bring forth their beauty. From teas to perfumes, this driven Cherubun nurtured a line known as L'amour de Rose', a testament to their conviction.


- As so few Cherubun have 'fallen', it's likely that your Cherubun might see Alcea as a familiar face~!

- Your bun might be a regular customer to Alcea's boutique, and the Cherubun tends to remember a familiar face after enough visits! Being invited to enjoy tea together some time is inevitable

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