MYO-6878: Sanna

Owned by SunSalute




(Sah-nah) . She/They



Blanket Cherubun permission: if you'd like to use Sanna for the Pursuit of Diligence prompts, please feel free! No need to ask, just make sure to link me/gift me so I can see <3


Sanna spent her life performing administrative tasks in the Heavenly Meadow, and was perfectly content with her life until Dove's reveal. It never occured to her that she would be one of the traitorous Cherubuns to abandon the safe divine order of the Meadow - until Helianthus, the bright little bun she'd always find in the ambrosia gardens, left for Burrowgatory. Once Sanna realised that any bun could leave, not just the 'bad ones', testing her freedom suddenly seemed very appealing...

Burrowgatory has been overwhelming, but Sanna's aptitude for coding means that she can work from home and only leave when she's ready. An unfortunate early run-in, before she was familiar with Burrowgatory's customs, left Sanna indebted to Lapis. She's learning quickly but she should probably learn quicker - before Lapis' less-than-legal inclinations start to rub off on her...




Occupation: (officially) programmer; (unofficially) hacker

Hobbies: watercolour paintings, watching courtroom dramas and murder mysteries, playing harp





- icy cold weather; cosy blankets and roaring fires

- art that has 'character'



- the realisation that harp is a stereotypically Cherubun instrument (she had friends that played electric guitar! She just likes harp!!)

- patronising behaviour

- marshmallows (what is WITH that texture??)





- Helianthus: being another Cherubun, Sanna stuck close to Helianthus during her first days in Burrowgatory for safety

- Yngvildr: friends! Sanna greatly admires Yngvildr's party planning skills, and often helps her co-ordinate SAR efforts

- Lapis: colleagues (under duress)



- Sanna is just a little guy right now! No NSFW yet!


Design Tips


  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed