MYO-5151: Freesia

Owned by Xeluna


( FREE - see - ah )

 Park Warden at Bungeon Dungeon
Occasional self-proclaimed bodyguard to people who feed her.


Cutesy and Cuddly Musclehead | Gushing Fan-Girl | Bubbly and Honest | ALWAYS Hungry | Graceful | Gung-ho | Dislikes Bad Guys | Will  Totally Beat Them Up! ♡ | Will Proteccc

Deceptively easy going Freesia loves spending her days patrolling around for troublemakers while trying out all sorts of food from street vendors.  (Street foods and festival treats are her favorite things! ) Her unassuming presence tends to catch those who aren't familiar with her off guard because, despite appearances, she is protective and unreasonably strong for her size. It is rumored that the hulking original doll form she manifested was a far more of an accurate representation of her martial prowess, as a bun raised lovingly by a retired warrior demon grampa. But if it's true, few people have seen her other self in person.

All her crew knows is that she diligently keeps up her intense mixed martial arts training regimen every single day and that her dream is to be strong enough to make her grampa proud by defeating him someday. Until then, she promised she would try to expand her small world by finding things she likes besides food and physical training. She has come a long way since she entered succubun society, having discovered  a handful of other things that make her happy

Still, in most cases, if you give her a choice between some other form of entertainment and food? She'll pick the food.

Overall, Freesia is a sort of self-righteous and excitable miss, prone to excessive expressions of gratitude over the kindness people show her and adoring enthusiasm for when good things happen to other people.  She is not constantly unruly about it. However, she does have a habit of mentally idealizing anyone unfortunate enough to endear themself to her. Such people she indiscriminately considers 'cute and adorable', whether they are big, small, tough, soft, flirty, bashful, sophisticated, or dweebish. She will coo, fawn, gush, and sigh in verbal admiration of those she deems worthy. 

She is self-aware enough, however, that she can figure out which people she can get away with saying such things to their faces, versus which people she should admire at a distance (or behind their backs). And she does her best to contain her most explosive reactions at certain times, though even then, her face and body language make her an open book. It's not uncommon for her to cover her mouth and tremble from the effort of resisting her urge to squee.

Her pet peeve seems to be that she dislikes "bad guys," though who exactly counts as a bad guy seems to be fairly subjective, based on whoever Freesia is on good terms with at the time. As a general rule of thumb, she seems most prickly toward those who ruthlessly put down or take advantage of others without their consent. Her idealizations of people can indeed cloud her vision regarding the actions of people she's close to. And Freesia herself is not immune to being a bully, especially toward buns she dislikes.

At the very least, she seems very loyal to her friends. And it's not so easy to bribe her to get away with not-nice things. (She'll just cry over any food bribes she missed out on as a result of loyalty and badger her friends to reward her later.) That is unless you are already her designated favorite food source of the day and present her with something irresistibly yummy. Then? Oh. Then she might be willing to bargain.

Bun Size: Only slightly smaller than average

Doll Height: 5'10" (and a quarter)

A Friendly Rivalry:
Freesia is an original park investor like Sajjita. She argues with him because, "I don't like bad guys!" But that appears to be his favorite silly role to play. As such, she gets on his case for being an actual bully sometimes. Though, in a sense, they have fun bullying each other. Freesia doesn't take advantage of his cuddly weakness specifically, even if she is aware of it. Nonetheless, Sajjita is still low-key of terrified of her for her Snuggly Death Grip from back when they  were first getting to know each other.  His best counter attack is to show her some yummy food and eat the entire thing in front of her without sharing. Truly, Freesia suffers over it.

Skills and Interests:

  • Plushies. (Except she doesn’t keep them in the usual sense. Tends to use them as punching bags, no matter how cute they are.)
  • Idols and Idol Music Concerts. (Cheers her heart out.) If it’s fighting tournaments, however, she would rather be in the arena.
  • Mixed Martial Arts (Strong foundation in Kickboxing, but formally trained in other practical techniques by her demon “grampa”/ and if she gets to pick a weapon, she goes for armored gauntlets, grip claws, or brass knuckles.)
  • She hasn’t done any other sports to really be good at them. But Lauraine has introduced her to recreational skating. So she finds pro skaters on or off the ice pretty impressive.
  • Working out/ Physical Training 
  • Shows about giant battle robots, special battle armors and fictional weapons. If she helps out with a character role at a Bungeon Dungeon exhibit, she is just as excited to wear a costume with armor as she is a pretty dress.
  • Food and Eating (Especially loves food from Street Vendors and small shops )
  • Learning about various traditions surrounding ways to eat food, including fine dining etiquette. She may think some of it is needlessly nit-picky, but she can tell you the difference between variously sized utensils and how to arrange them anyway. She takes certain lessons just in case she needs to eat somewhere extra fancy. She is equally proficient with her fingers, chopsticks, silverware… and eating hands free!
  • Enjoys all four seasons.
  • Weather. Likes learning about it and knows cool facts and/or theories on how to track weather patterns and detect storms. Gets excited about rainbows. Thinks weather reporters are kinda sexy.
  • Knows a bit about seasonal plants, basic farming techniques and what foods grow best under what conditions.
  • Water Parks / Splashing in Puddles/ Getting Wet in General
  • Watercolor Art (She doesn’t practice it herself, but it sure looks pretty.)
  • Cute Lightweight Fashion, Frills, and Boots (Collects boots especially.)
  • Getting dance lessons (Not a pro. She’s just getting into it really, and seems to have a knack. As she is still discovering styles she likes, she mixes things together in free form during parties.)


  • Glass figurines or any gifts that break too easily.
  • Restrictive clothing.
  • Dark places. (She is not afraid, really. She just doesn’t like it… Blind-fighting training with her pop-pop puts her on edge in such places, and it’s best if people don’t sneak up on her unless they want to risk getting hit by her out of reflex.)
  • Religious stuff. (Seems weird to pray to people like her grampa. He’s just a demon. And she doesn’t pay enough attention to know much about cherubun ideology.)


  • Arts and crafts (Stuff looks neat, but she doesn’t really have the skills to make such things on her own.) 
  • Sad music (Not that she dislikes it by any means. It just makes her cry. Show her even a sad break up song and prepare to be dripped on.)
  •  Learning from books. (She’s a hands-on learner and nothing much sinks in if she simply stares at text on a page for hours. Maybe if there are lots of pictures.)
  • She is normally pretty disciplined and focused during a fight. But fighting or not, she can become impatient and sulky if she is hungry. Does not do well with food denial.
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing