MYO-5089: Heath

Owned by M3RDR


  Heath   He/him, Gore/gores   Mid 20s I guess
  Envy   Masc   Gay   Single   Voice Claim   5'5   Very legal activities   Playlist


short-tempered · moody · intense · inferiority complex

Heath is a troublesome little delinquent who hides a sensitive soul beneath a hard exterior. He runs a shop in a dodgy back alley where he sells 100% legally acquired goods, but he also does other odd jobs here and there, all of which are perfectly legal and do not involve any breaking and entering or violence or other criminal activity. He is a very law abiding and honest bun who would never do a crime and you should absolutely let him alone with your valuables.

PERSONALITY (got too long and messed up the theme so i had to hide it under a spoiler lol)
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Raised by the neglectful Gremory, Heath carries the same feelings of resentment and bitterness as many envy buns do. Because of this, he has a bit of a bias against non-envy buns, as he's extremely jealous of what they had that he never did growing up, and his huge inferiority complex certainly isn't helping, as he feels as if more fortunate buns look down on him. Spending time in Burrowgatory is gradually changing his mindset a bit as he meets more buns, and Jackal's recently started Envy Support Group has helped him a lot, but he is still rather bitter. Said bitterness is why he feels no remorse for stealing from rich, well-off buns.

Heath has a very short fuse, and doesn't have much of a filter, often speaking without thinking. This, combined with his abysmal social skills (he does NOT pick up on social cues well), can often lead to him being accidentally rude or insensitive, getting into arguments, or even physical fights. He is not good at managing his emotions.

Deep down, Heath is desperately lonely and starved for affection, but struggles to connect to others, as he refuses to let himself be vulnerable around others. His inferiority complex also complicates things as he feels like anyone being kind to him is suspicious, he doesn't feel like he deserves it. If you DO manage to get close enough to him to unlock his friendship, he is friendlier (albeit in a somewhat sarcastic way) and fiercely loyal, if he's your friend it's ride or die. He's the kinda friend you can call up at 3 AM to help dispose of a body with minimal questioning. He is definitely very rough around the edges, and may be a bad boy but he's not a bad boy.

Despite his tough guy act, he's very easily flustered by being flirted with as he is not used to being shown affection. Honestly he would probably start crying if given a genuine hug.

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-Vers, but very top/dom leaning. Not necessarily dom in the hard BDSM sense, but more that he wants to be in control. Sometimes powerbottoms, but will only sub for those he REALLY REALLY trusts, he usually prefers to be in control because he's like "if anyone sees me vulnerable I will Die". If you manage to unlock his submissive side, he is an absolute brat about it in the "oh yeah? make me >:3" way and likes being treated quite roughly.
When bottoming he definitely has a bit of a size kink lol.
-He's also VERY into biting, and being bitten, and might have an expertly hidden praise kink...
-Enjoys teasing his partners a lot. Can get quite mean (only IF they're into that), but can also be more gentle. It's not so much the being rough part that he's into, rather he just REALLY enjoys being able to reduce his partners into blubbering flustered messes<3
-While he can definitely be rough/mean, he very much cares about his partners' wellbeing. He's not that great at expressing care verbally though he tries his best, but he will like, awkwardly check in on them during sex and make sure they're having a good time, and clean them up/care for them afterwards. Even when being rough, he'll show gentleness in small ways, like holding their hair/ears out of the way while they're giving him head and things like that.
-His type is, unsurprisingly, pathetic lil guys that he can bully/tease (in a sexy way), also has a thing for DILFs (especially pathetic DILFs)
Leans heavily towards masc identified people.
-Always has a flat chest and a cunt with a big t-dick. Does not change genitals, wears a strap when topping.

PREFERRED: cunt, t-dick/dick/cock
OK: pussy
NO: clit

Always OK: art, interactions w your characters
Ask first (unless you already have permission): Writing, NSFW (I will very likely say yes! Just would like a heads up.)


  • Energy drinks
  • Imps
  • Emo music
  • Horror movies


  • Rich buns
  • The Church of Sulfur
  • Spicy food
  • Demons


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

  • Big fangs, rest of teeth are smaller but still sharp (I know the icon is incorrect shhhh)
  • Drawing his bun form without scleras is perfectly fine, whatever fits your art style!
  • Claws are naturally purple but he paints them black.
  • You're free to draw his scars in a more realistically rendered style, I just simplify them in my art.
  • Has top surgery scars (specifically peri-areolar scars)
  • He has a tongue piercing!
  • Has two raccoon tails in his hair, one on each side of his head.
  • Putting him in different outfits is A-ok, but the cloak should probably stay on. He prefers a masc emo style (I sometimes draw him wearing more fem clothes, but I'm not really comfortable with other people drawing him like that without my permission)
  • Usually carries his bat, but can wield knives as well

i'll do the palette thing later im tired gjdghskd


  • The cloak he's wearing was fashioned from his old childhood blanket (hence why it has the Church of Sulfur's symbol embroidered on it), and is his comfort item. It's very worn at this point but he is rarely seen without it, as being without it for too long makes him anxious.
  • Heath is autistic! He likes chewy stims, and anything that keeps his hands (or claws) busy. He's rather sensitive to loud sounds and finds busy noisy environments hard to deal with. He also has ADHD and BPD.
  • Has a bad case of potty mouth, swears like a sailor.
  • He likes and is associated with heath flowers (or whatever Burrowgatory's equivalent is). That's also where he got his name from.
  • Other things and imagery he is associated with: the color purple in general, little red riding hood, bones, barbed wire and/or thorny vines, thunderstorms, pentagrams
  • Due to his difficult childhood he has some very complicated and mostly negative feelings on demons, religion and The Church of Sulfur. Has gotten into heated debates about it with Mercy before and will probably do it again.
  • Very good at lockpicking. Don't worry about why, or what he uses this skill for...


 She/Her  Age

Having both been raised by Gremory, they have a lot of understanding of one another. Heath definitely looks up to her a lot and kinda wants to impress her.

Jackal's Envy Support Group has also been very helpful in helping Heath adjust to Burrowgatory.

 He/him  20s

They used to be friends growing up, but as Hazard's dislike of buns neglected by Gremory increased, their relationship soured. Heath was extremely hurt by Hazard giving him the cold shoulder all of a sudden and eventually confronted him about it, which led to Hazard scarring him in ""self defense""

So they're not exactly on the best of terms...

            It's complicated
 He/Him  22

Heath originally just hired Wreckx to hack into cameras in places he was planning to burgle. Wreckx eventually developed a kind of fascination with Heath and would hack into cameras and stuff to watch Heath steal things. Heath is fascinated right back by Wreckx's strangeness and actively enables him by showing off and 'putting on a show' for the cameras... I think they are making each other worse.

Character Name
            Relationship Type
 Pronouns  Age

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Morbi a fermentum massa. Suspendisse et elit non dui euismod interdum nec et nulla. Nullam sit amet erat pretium, posuere orci efficitur, auctor nisi. Nulla vulputate tincidunt dolor, nec ultricies tellus congue non. Curabitur neque odio, porta non auctor id, mattis eu nunc. Quisque eu malesuada ex.


 Subheader 1

150 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec mauris sed, tempus consectetur ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed pretium mollis consectetur. Sed nibh nisi, lobortis vel tempus a, aliquam ac urna. Donec vel quam consectetur, gravida quam et, lacinia mauris. Vivamus luctus lacus ut velit malesuada dignissim. Etiam nibh odio, scelerisque vitae lacus ut, tincidunt sodales nibh. Integer at magna dignissim, accumsan eros eget, viverra odio. Phasellus porta dui eu commodo pharetra. Morbi id lacus finibus, feugiat ex eget, porttitor neque. Fusce lobortis iaculis diam quis accumsan. Duis nec quam mollis, rutrum quam vel, pellentesque dui. Proin orci enim, pulvinar vitae ullamcorper in, eleifend et leo. Quisque vel tempor dui, quis luctus diam. Nunc quis tellus ac neque cursus viverra. Phasellus convallis quam nisi, eu convallis metus scelerisque ac.

Phasellus rutrum erat nisi, facilisis mattis risus blandit vel. In a mauris sollicitudin, consectetur quam vel, faucibus lectus. Praesent diam dolor, euismod vel ante eu, commodo mollis eros. Duis venenatis sollicitudin viverra. Phasellus quis nunc consequat magna placerat imperdiet a et ex. Quisque tincidunt dui in nulla ullamcorper, nec egestas velit cursus. Praesent commodo et sapien ut malesuada. Pellentesque in pellentesque magna, ac cursus eros. Pellentesque vel vestibulum dui. Suspendisse eu tempor quam. Vestibulum nec lectus risus. Nunc semper nulla tempor magna faucibus dictum.

 Subheader 2

150x100 Curabitur arcu odio, vestibulum sed ex vel, lacinia varius tellus. Nullam rhoncus velit vel turpis viverra, et viverra massa feugiat. Etiam eleifend ullamcorper ligula vel gravida. Proin sed scelerisque justo. Nam et imperdiet nisi, eget elementum orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla auctor eget nibh vitae imperdiet. Mauris dignissim viverra leo nec finibus. Morbi aliquet, est tempus eleifend posuere, risus metus consectetur lacus, ac ullamcorper orci metus ut diam. Pellentesque sed metus in velit convallis gravida. Nullam sed ligula ante. Donec condimentum mauris dictum accumsan laoreet. Praesent ullamcorper elit id ex porta, non mollis ipsum commodo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

 Subheader 3

200x125 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec mauris sed, tempus consectetur ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed pretium mollis consectetur. Sed nibh nisi, lobortis vel tempus a, aliquam ac urna. Donec vel quam consectetur, gravida quam et, lacinia mauris. Vivamus luctus lacus ut velit malesuada dignissim. Etiam nibh odio, scelerisque vitae lacus ut, tincidunt sodales nibh. Integer at magna dignissim, accumsan eros eget, viverra odio. Phasellus porta dui eu commodo pharetra. Morbi id lacus finibus, feugiat ex eget, porttitor neque.

Pellentesque feugiat hendrerit est. Cras vel suscipit magna. Morbi euismod est et sollicitudin ullamcorper. Suspendisse ante orci, sollicitudin fringilla lectus in, cursus faucibus arcu. Phasellus sed tellus sapien. Aenean aliquet a velit sit amet volutpat. Nam vel condimentum sem. Vestibulum ac lacinia neque. Nunc pulvinar, justo a dignissim ultricies, justo lectus sagittis sem, sed fermentum elit ante bibendum neque. Phasellus tincidunt sapien tortor, in venenatis dui imperdiet ut. Integer tempus nisl et urna tempor, blandit facilisis dolor placerat. Nunc eget tristique eros. Sed malesuada lacus nunc, auctor commodo sem efficitur sed.

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