MYO-3038: Vultir

Owned by kizukats


  He/Him   Adult   Pride   Male   Bisexual   Taken   Voice Claim (TBD)   6'1"   Body Piercer & Stripper   Theme Song (TBD)


Laidback · Aloof · Confident · Honest · Protective

Vultir is mostly seen for his calm and cool exterior. Between his upfront honesty, intolerance for nonsense, and grumpy appearance he often intimidates others inadvertently. Those who are not here to simply fool around may be rightfully intimidated. More genuine buns may get a glimpse of his softer, sweeter side.

By day he indulges in his favorite pastime - consuming and creating art. He takes great pride in his skills for performing bodily piercings that look good on other buns. Vultir enjoys sketching and admiring the works of others, often finding himself visiting galleries. While he enjoys also being out and socializing, he likes to take on the listener/watcher role rather than actively participating. Unless amongst close friends.
At night you're more likely to find him dancing at a club for side money, allowing his playful side to come out. Despite teasing his patrons, he's a spendy pick if you wish for anything more than looking and has hard limits. Frequenters are often lost in the chase, assuming one day they'll find his price for anything more. (It doesn't exist.) If he's not there you might also check for his presence at High Tea.. dividing his attention from his partner will be challenging.


  • Art, In Many Forms
  • Especially Body-Centric Art
  • Cinnamon Tea, Rolls, you name it
  • Giving and Receiving Attention
  • Upbeat/Heavy Music
  • Storms


  • Obnoxious Buns
  • Small Talk
  • Touches from Unfamiliar or unpaying Buns
  • Fights
  • Being Alone
  • Early Mornings (He IS basically up all night..)


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant


            Favorite Bun

Harte is the one bun who can pull out Vultir's playful and soft side without even trying. Spending time with Harte is never time wasted for him - whether they are simply snuggled up enjoying a smoke together or doing something more adventurous. Vultir confidently calls him 'partner', feeling a sense of closeness and devotion to him. Even on the roughest days, within moments of meeting with Harte again will warm him right up. Bad for business, but if Harte happens to show up at either of Vultirs' places of work... he's guaranteed free service.

            Friends (?)

Vultir has known this brat since an early age and tolerates him... but some days, its just barely. Thankfully with time Metzli has learned a little more respect despite spending many years driving him batty. One might even call them friends as they may be seen accompanying each other occassionally. For Vultir, Metzli is a little too obnoxious to be entirely comfortable with.



HTML by LeafJelly
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed