BUN-931: Mio

Owned by Pooch

2025 Breeding Partner:MYO-5048
aketan  has permission to breed this succubun.*

Makeup artist in special effects at day and troublemaker at night. Cute, charming and quite a brat, you never know where you have him, or if you even have him at all, those are the words that describe Mio the best. A bit too focused on his own ideas and satisfying his own curiosities, he is not one to stay much in one place. Despite that, he does prefer having more long term relationships with other buns over short ones. 

Mio got high standards and is not afraid to set them, while he is not opposed to new acquaintances, he does seek out people that seem to be able to handle his chaos. He just won't bother with people that are too pretentious or too much in their own head, finding it more funny to push those bun's buttons instead.

His best friend is his twin brother Damian, the both of them usually up to no good when they are together. Wether it is pushing some bun's buttons or finding their next target to rob, it honestly depends on the day. Though they do have moments where they just go out and experience the wild together, never too far apart.

While Mio is a lust bun, his lust derives more from his desire to experience new things than it does anything else. He values an interesting memory over a fleeting night of passion, even if the memory isn't always the greatest.

Often can be spotted with a cheeky smile on his lip and trouble in his eyes

Favorite food? Raspberry pie

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