BUN-462: Diva

Owned by joanna

2025 Breeding Partner: MYO-7095
koloquials has permission to breed this succubun.*

name: diva
also goes by: karina.
pronouns: she/her.
occupation: opera starlet high soprano / parasite of high society.
about: a talented, charming opera starlet who is utterly crushed about her husband's recent disappearance, but her heartbreak is nicely cushioned by inheriting her late husband's massive wealth.

the letter below is said to be the last note of correspondence sent to her late husband.  no foul play is suspected, but officers have noted the irregularity of the capitalization...

deareSt darLing,

havE i ever mEntioned how much i adore you?
you with your ocean blue eyes and sun-kissed smile!
i Promise nothing can ever do us part For our love is eternal and trascends everything else.
Oh, how the sound of your laughteR is enough to nourish mE.
Very, very much, i love you so you nEedn't worRy for i only have eyes for you.

yours always,
your beloved karina.

likes: brooding by the sea, all eyes on her, a fondness for the arts and equally charming women.
dislikes: men who talk too much, hot weather, her water bill.
personality: two-faced, angelic with a dream-like charm, devilish and heartless, a siren-like woman.

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