wyrmwitch's Item Logs
Apples (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from aldo's stop-n-shop✨ by wyrmwitch for 4 Carats.)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Soda (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from (,,◕ ⋏ ◕,,) by wyrmwitch for 6 Carats.)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Tofu Donburi (×1)
Crafting Reward (Received rewards from Tofu Donburi Recipe recipe)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Chopsticks (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Abaddon's Emporium by wyrmwitch for 15 Carats.)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Tofu (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from ♥ Ouji sells stuff by wyrmwitch for 18 Carats.)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Soy Sauce (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Finn's Thrift by wyrmwitch for 6 Carats.)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Rice (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Trident & Spear by wyrmwitch for 2 Carats.)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Fruit Salad (×1)
Crafting Reward (Received rewards from Fruit Salad Recipe recipe)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Blueberries (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from The Curio by wyrmwitch for 5 Carats.)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Strawberries (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from The Clinic by wyrmwitch for 6 Carats.)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Watermelon (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Grocery Store.)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Olives (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Grocery Store.)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Black Sesame Seeds (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Grocery Store.)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Chocolate Swiss Roll (×1)
Crafting Reward (Received rewards from Chocolate Swiss Roll Recipe recipe)
8 months and 2 weeks ago
Sugar (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from vapegod's shop of wonders by wyrmwitch for 5 Carats.)
8 months and 2 weeks ago