fawnheart's Currency Logs

- 0 Carats
Shop Purchase (Purchased Cygnette from Pedigree Pets)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
- 250 Carats
Shop Purchase (Purchased Wagashi from Dan’s Dango)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 75 Carats
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Slots Spin)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
- 50 Carats
Shop Purchase (Purchased Slots Spin from Wonderland Casino)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 3 Carats
User Shop Credit (Sold a Blueberries in ✨ tax fraud and other criminal activities ✨)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
- 10 Carats
Button Clicked (Debited by Undergacha)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 4 Carats
Pet Leveled Up (Earned from Mallow)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Sparklers
Button Clicked (Granted by Mochi Moon)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 3 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Carats
User Shop Credit (Sold a Ube in ✨ tax fraud and other criminal activities ✨)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 3 Carats
User Shop Credit (Sold a Watermelon in ✨ tax fraud and other criminal activities ✨)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 2 Carats
User Shop Credit (Sold a Noodles in ✨ tax fraud and other criminal activities ✨)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Sparklers
Button Clicked (Granted by Mochi Moon)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 2 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 9 Carats
User Shop Credit (Sold a Flour in ✨ tax fraud and other criminal activities ✨)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Sparklers
Button Clicked (Granted by Mochi Moon)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 3 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 5 Carats
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Blackjack Hand)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
- 10 Carats
Shop Purchase (Purchased Blackjack Hand from Wonderland Casino)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 10 Carats
Claim Rewards (Received rewards for claim (#35319))
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Sparklers
Button Clicked (Granted by Mochi Moon)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 10 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 2 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 2 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Sparklers
Button Clicked (Granted by Mochi Moon)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 3 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
- 5 Carats
Errand Cost (Cost to run an errand at Kitchen Goods)
10 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Carats
User Shop Credit (Sold a Ube in ✨ tax fraud and other criminal activities ✨)
10 months and 2 weeks ago