cavellain's Currency Logs

+ 1 Champagne Glass
Button Clicked (Granted by Champagne Glass)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 10 Favor
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Hellish Tithe)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 5 Carats
Shop Purchase (Purchased Hellish Tithe from Church of Sulfur)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 2 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Champagne Glass
Button Clicked (Granted by Champagne Glass)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 3 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Champagne Glass
Button Clicked (Granted by Champagne Glass)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 2 Carats
User Shop Purchase (Purchased Olives from ⛈️⛈️Heath's Emporium of 100% Legally Acquired Knick-Knacks⛈️⛈️)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 8 Carats
User Shop Purchase (Purchased Tomatoes from ⛈️⛈️Heath's Emporium of 100% Legally Acquired Knick-Knacks⛈️⛈️)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 5 Carats
Errand Cost (Cost to run an errand at Kitchen Goods)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 2 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Champagne Glass
Button Clicked (Granted by Champagne Glass)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 5 Carats
Errand Cost (Cost to run an errand at Kitchen Goods)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 3 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 2 Carats
Button Clicked (Granted by Daily Carats)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 15 Champagne Glass
Shop Purchase (Purchased Butteredfly Rum from Fairy Masquerade)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Champagne Glass
Button Clicked (Granted by Champagne Glass)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 1 Champagne Glass
Button Clicked (Granted by Champagne Glass)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 40 Carats
Sold Item (Sold Tofu Donburi ×1)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 2 Carats
User Shop Purchase (Purchased Arugula from muffin shop (doesn't sell muffins))
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 13 Carats
User Shop Purchase (Purchased Tofu from 🍬❤️ GLAM'S GOODIES ❤️🍬)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 2 Carats
User Shop Purchase (Purchased Soy Sauce from 🍳Egg Wares!)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 5 Carats
Sold Item (Sold Liquer ×1)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 5 Carats
Errand Cost (Cost to run an errand at Kitchen Goods)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 10 Favor
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Hellish Tithe)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 5 Carats
Shop Purchase (Purchased Hellish Tithe from Church of Sulfur)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 2 Favor
Button Clicked (Granted by Blessings)
6 months and 2 weeks ago