Submission (#64273) Approved

14 November 2024, 12:57:52 EST (3 months and 1 week ago)
14 November 2024, 14:58:49 EST (3 months and 1 week ago) by arasukai


Mocha has lived in the home of their demon caretaker, left with likely centuries of knowledge that they care nothing for. Silver is not all that impressed with the desecration of these ancient book covers for "aesthetic" reasons. There is a good chance that they could find everything they need here... but he'd have to go through likely thousands of books with glitter and crafting paper stuck on them.


Reward Amount
Carats 30


Skill Amount

Stat & Level Rewards

User Rewards
No user rewards.
Character Rewards
No character rewards.

Criteria Rewards

Art - 44 Carats

Fullbody bun: 2
Halfbody/Chibi Dolls: 0
Fullbody Doll: 0
Simple background: 1
Complex Background: 0
NPC/gift art bonus: 1
Owned Imp bonus: 0
Shading bonus: On
Commissioned art: Off
Collaboration: Off
NPC trinket reward: Off


Thumbnail for MYO-6393


Reward Amount
Silver’s Tome (Items) 1
0 Stat Point


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Baphomet0813's Bank

Currency Quantity