Submission (#41104) Approved

27 February 2024, 03:47:18 EST (11 months and 3 weeks ago)
27 February 2024, 10:46:47 EST (11 months and 3 weeks ago) by Yves


I tried writing a smut piece as an exercise in building confidence writing sex scenes (I have written them before but have always felt a bit awkward about it), and used Rosa meeting Arneb for the first time for the scenario. Arneb is a gender non-conforming male character, and I do have him initially referred to with neutral pronouns in the narrative until Rosa asks his pronouns to make sure she genders him correctly! Imps are present in the story (2 belonging to Arneb and 1 belonging to Rosa) but only outside of the sex scene, and while Miguel appears it's only briefly at the end with a few lines of dialogue, so he's marked as not being a focus character.

Like with previous written entries, I wrote this in Pages first, and the word counter in Pages totalled this up at 2,041 words. If anything needs to be changed, let me know.


Reward Amount


Skill Amount

Stat & Level Rewards

User Rewards
No user rewards.
Character Rewards
No character rewards.

Criteria Rewards

Writing - 57 Carats

Per 100 words: 17
NPC/gift art bonus: 0
Owned Imp bonus: 3
Commissioned Writing: Off
Collaboration: Off
NPC trinket reward: Off


Thumbnail for MYO-1862: Miguel

MYO-1862: Miguel

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MYO-2070: Rosa

MYO-2070: Rosa

Reward Amount
0 Stat Point
Thumbnail for MYO-3304: Arneb

MYO-3304: Arneb

Reward Amount
0 Stat Point


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Bassnium118's Bank

Currency Quantity