Dango 101

In Prompts ・ By Kaztronaut
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Pyxis made his way to the shop once more since he brought his imp, Apus. He, smartly, decided against doing such today instead intending to ask Dan for what was probably a pretty big favor. Hopefully it would save his wallet though... maybe.

He steps foot in the shop itself, peering around until he saw Dan walking up behind the counter, a small grunt of a hello is made as Pyxis walks up to him. 

"I'm back... without my imp this time." Pyxis laughs a bit awkwardly but manages to get out a laugh at least so that maybe Dan would loosen up a bit around him.

"I can see." Is all Dan says, still not a man for many words. Pyxis bites his lip for a second, garnering each ounce of courage that he had, "Right.. Um so I can here to ask a question, well.. more like a favor than anything." Pyxis looks up at Dan trying to gauge his reaction for anything... yet the man across from him stayed still the only thing really moving being his eyebrow raising in curiosity. What kind of favor could give way to such a reaction. He was hoping he wasn't being solicited right now-

As Dan's worries got away from him, Pyxis spoke up again, "I was hoping for the sake of my wallet and your sanity, I could learn how to make the floral mochi? I know it's seasonal but Apus really loves them so..." Pyxis does his best to smlie brightly, hoping that might somehow sway the stoic man.

"No." He says simply, and Pyxis seems to deflate some at that, "Not because I don't want to, I can't. It's seasonal for a reason." Dan shrugs, looking down and around at the dango surrounding him. "He liked the matcha ones, right?" Dan looks up at Pyxis, waiting for the answer.

The quick change in answer surprised Pyxis, quickly perking back up, "Y-yeah. He did! Those are the ones you were... very nice about." Pyxis's face grows uncomfortable and awkward again, he really needed to work on his socialization skills but.. this wasn't work so the persona he normally had wasn't available to him.

"Right. I can teach you how to make those, save your poor greedy wallet, huh?" Dan cracks a small joke and the lilt of his lips is the only thing visible to Pyxis before Dan turns around and starts to wave him to follow. Still frozen in shock some, both at the offer to actually offer to teach him and the smile and joke, it takes a second before Pyxis starts to move and follow along behind Dan. "Thank you! Honestly, yeah you're really saving me here." Pyxis's smile comes much easier now, "Plus I figure making a huge batch of matcha each day to only sell to one person wouldn't be the best for you either." He teases slightly, though means nothing by it. Dan's business was very respectable and he didn't actually mind too much spending carats here but... not as often as Apus wanted dango.

"Might not be the best, you'd be right." Dan nods in agreement before pulling out everything they'd need, rice, water, the sticks and most importantly, water. Pyxis watched as Dan started his explanation, grinding the rice into the flour form, adding water and matcha and watching it slowly come together as he used the mallet to incorporate the ingredients and his hand with water to mix it and flip it around. Each step he made sure to tell Pyxis exactly how to do it and what it was he was doing and why. That way if Pyxis wanted or needed to modify it he'd at least know which steps are essential and why they are.

Pyxis tries his hand at making the mochi dough, lifting the hammer as best as he could and hitting it down some... maybe this would be a job best fit for Delta, and it'd also give him quite the show, but right now he needed to focus on lifting the heavy hammer and hitting it down, then lifting and turning it around so that he could keep mixing the ingredients together. Slowly but surely the dough came together and Dan taught him how to form the actual dessert, forming each of the balls, placing them into a pot of boiling water to cook them through. Once they were finished with that, he let Pyxis slide them carefully onto the sticks and dress it up nice and pretty. They weren't the best looking dango but Pyxis was happy enough with them. He took a bite of one, tasted the same as Dan's... he was definitely happy with it.

"Thank you again Dan... I really do appreciate it. I promise to still stop by to actually buy some of the other dango but this is really saving me right now." Pyxis sighs out, Dan just nods, "No problem. I'll see you when you come buy some more." He laughs quietly again before waving Pyxis out.

Dango 101
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In Prompts ・ By Kaztronaut
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Submitted By Kaztronaut for Dango 101
Submitted: 1 year and 5 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 5 months ago

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