Bibles and Bribes
Andi wasn’t really much of one for coming to church. Still, her best friend had told her she should go around this time if she wanted to see… Ah fuck, she’d forgotten what it was that she was supposed to be seeing. Oh well. Since she was supposed to see it, presumably she would see it. Or she could always ask one of the buns who worked here about what she was supposed to see. They’d probably know.
She wandered on into the church, looking around as she did. It was pretty nice, really. She could hear someone moaning from the confessional booth - good for them. Though it probably wasn’t what her bestie had wanted her to go see… Hmm…
Looking around, she could see lots of pretty architecture, and pretty things that she vaguely guessed were about demons. A few were supposed to be Murmur, she was pretty sure. Remembering him always made her smile and remember being little with her bestie. That had been fun - she’d never want to go back to being so tiny and un-swole, of course, but she hadn’t known what she had grown into being.
As she crossed the church, looking around every few paces, she spotted the bun she was pretty sure was the head nun, over at some box. “Hey!” Andi’s voice tended to carry pretty loudly, which was always a great way to get someone’s attention!
It sure got the head nun’s attention. They seemed to jump and whirled around, head tilting up as Andi drew level with them, a slight frown on their face. “You saw.” They weren't asking, given their tone.
Andi felt confused. She didn’t think she’d seen what her bestie had told her to go see… But if the head nun said she had seen, then she must have seen. The head nun wouldn’t lie to her, right? “Seems so.” Apparently she was supposed to understand what she had seen, though, but hopefully they wouldn't realize that she didn't...
The head nun looked around, then leaned in. “What would ensure your silence?”
Her silence? Andi didn’t know what they were talking about, but she did her best to affect a thoughtful look and cross their arms as they tried to figure out the question. Well… She supposed when she was eating, she was usually pretty quiet, so if the head nun wanted her to be quiet, that would be a pretty sure way. So...lunch? Oh- but she was supposed to pick up lunch to bring back to the house to eat with her bestie. “Umm, I guess lunch for me and my best friend would sure keep me from talking?” Food kind of used the mouth and all… Made talking a bit hard.
The head nun (man, what was their name? Andi could never remember… Merry? Murphy?) frowned for a moment, then carefully counted something into a bag, handing it over to Andi. “Go get lunch for you and your best friend then, and not a word to anyone about what you saw,” they admonished her, before heading off towards another part of the church.
Andi bemusedly stuck the bag into her pocket, realizing as she did that it was carats. Huh. Well that was awfully nice of them to give her the money to get lunch! Maybe she should visit more often, if the church was so generous! If she could get free lunches on the regular, she could probably get that new exercise bike she wanted sooner. Religion sure did have some perks, didn’t it?
Whistling a tune, she left the church to go get lunch, pulling out her phone to text her bestie that she was now on her way to get food. Even though she probably wasn’t going to wake up until she smelled food, Andi still liked to keep her up to date. She’d tell her about the head nun thing once she got home and ask what she was supposed to have seen. She didn’t even consider that her bestie might be included in the realm of ‘not a word to anyone’, because it wasn’t like she was just anyone, was she? That wouldn’t make any sense. It was kind of odd the head nun hadn’t wanted her to tell anyone, but her bestie would probably know why, and she could ask her when she got home. She sure wasn’t going to try figuring it out on her own! That just sounded like way too much work and not enough fun! Her bestie could do all the thinking about it to understand it - and she was always right anyways, so even if she wanted to do any thinking, it’d be a waste of time to do it when she could be doing more interesting things like working out or cuddling.
you don't know how badly i wanted to title this 'bibles and bribles'
also yeah sorry Mercy, Andi is too stupid to really notice anything, but also she's too dumb to admit being dumb <3 she's gonna enjoy the free lunch tho, maybe once her bestie corrects her on the name she'll even remember it due to the free lunch? tbd
Submitted By chamalaeon
for Bibles and Bribes
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago