A not so easy easy game
Alright, rice, red bean paste, spring water... There were all the ingredients to make the mochis, lying in front of Dan and Shibani on the table, but... It felt to Shibani as if something was missing. Something to bring it that little something extra that would make it even more special and unique. Of course, the holy water and the special rice from the crystal crevice were already very unusual ingredients and these alone should make a perfectly tasty mochi, but still... Shibani was seeing bigger. He took some time to think about what could be the perfect combination, the perfect flavour to add. Then, all of a sudden, he started seeing green, figuratively. That was it, the missing ingredient that would make it go beyond and above any other mochi: matcha!! Dan seeing him being all excited all of a sudden wondered what was going on and asked him the reason for his excitement. Shibani explained his idea, how he was thinking that some matcha could make the mochis even better and more special. Dan was not against the idea but clearly told Shibani that he would have to go search for it on his own, as he himself had to attend to the shop in order to start making mochis if he wanted to be on time for the celebrations. Shibani did not mind, but asked for a piece of mochi in exchange, before going on his hunt for matcha. Dan sighed and gave him a piece. Shibani smiled and ran out the shop, looking back at Dan, happily waving at him. Dan's heart skipped a bit when Shibani almost tripped over some big stone that was randomly living its 'life' on the pathway.
Shibani knew the perfect place where to find matcha: Angora's Casino. Well, not that they would especially use matcha there, but he knew that if someone would have matcha available, that would be her. When he arrived at the casino, he saw her there, watching over her customers play. Shibani was not usually coming around here, so she headed towards him as she wondered the reason of his presence. Shibani explained that Dan had collected all the needed ingredients to make mochis for the Year of the Bun's celebrations but that he thought some extra ingredient would make the mochis even more attractive for the demon Murmur, hence his presence here. He told her that he thought matcha would be the perfect ingredient and he was pretty sure that she would have some. Angora did not deny, on the contrary. She proudly admitted that she had the best matcha one could ever find, but that getting some of it would come at cost. Haa... Shibani started worrying now, was that really such a good idea to have come here... But he waited to hear what she had to say. Angora told him that, if he could win at any game against her, he would get the matcha. If not, he would then have to work for her the night of the celebrations. He sighed. He did not know anything about games and he could not risk not being by Dan's side the night of the celebrations. It hurt him to even had that thought cross his mind but.. Maybe he should just give up on the matcha... But then... He realised something, as if he was hearing things later than they had been spoken. Angora said, if he would beat her at any game. She did not specify that it had to be one of her casino game. That was a relief! Maybe that is not what she meant but she had to be more careful with her words then. Shibani was relieved as he knew a game that no one had ever beaten him at before. Pop-up pirate!! He agreed and let Angora know if his choice of game. She had never heard of that game and felt a bit bitter that she had not been more precise with the wording of her request but... There was no game she could not win, she was sure of that. She thus agreed, letting Shibani go collect the game at his place.
When Shibani came back, the two of them sat at a table in Angora's private apartments and Shibani started explaining the rules. Really? Was that so simple? Angora was surprised that he would want to play such a game, especially as this was only about luck so his chances of winning were even lower than with poker or some other games available at the casino. But so be it. Sure of herself, Angora put a first sword into the barrel. Nothing happened. Then came Shibani's turn. The pirate did not move either. Now Angora's turn again. As for the first time she was really confident and put the sword in without hesitation. She was really not expecting what happened next as she slightly jumped off her chair at what could appear as a scare when the pirate suddenly jumped out his barrel. Shibani smiled. Angora did not. They decided to go for the best out of 5. So she had still her chances. She had to be more careful from now on.
They restarted the game and turn by turn put the swords in. This time she lasted longer but she still lost again. How?! How was Shibani doing to avoid the pirate to jump?? This was supposed to be random. Thinking that the game was rigged and all jumping spots on her side, she asked for the game to be turned around. Shibani accepted and they kept going. This time she won. She knew the game was rigged!! Only... Was it? They kept playing, and, unfortunately for her, the game was not rigged, so, while she thought she knew where to put the swords to avoid having the pirate hop, she was wrong, and the pirate jumped again, and it was over. Shibani had three victories. According to their agreement, he won. She felt a bit bitter of the loss but was a woman of her word and gave Shibani the matcha. He thanked Angora for a fun play and told her that if she wanted to practice she could keep the game. She kind of wanted to but did not want to admit that she would play with such a childish game, so she declined. Shibani thus grabbed his game and carried it back to his place before meeting Dan at his shop to give him the mocha.
Submitted By Miunadeli
for Mochi Borrowing
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Submitted: 2 years and 4 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 2 years and 4 weeks ago