Blind date - Dulce and Marilyn
It was February, which meant only one thing: Love was in the air. For Dulce, this couldn’t be simpler, being one who loved nothing more than food, a blind date was the perfect opportunity to go prospective new favorite restaurant scouting. Better yet, this could be done with someone else! A perfect first date idea if they say so themself.
This was why Dulce agreed immediately when a friend suggested they should go on a blind date for once. After a bit of messaging back and forth, when talk of the meeting came up, Dulce already had a place in mind for the first meeting; there was nothing more exciting than trying a new dessert shop! The date in question was one fluffy bun named Marilyn, Dulce immediately had thought they would have much to talk about, considering they both had Arctoasty’s for pets (which definitely meant that Marilyn also knew the wonders of roasting marshmallows on its tail of course!)
[cakebun11]: you wanna try this place? [link]
[cakebun11]: the desserts look seriously amazing…
After typing a message with the link to Marilyn, Dulce then spent a few minutes staring (and salivating) at the menu while waiting for a response.
Perhaps time passed a little faster when one was engrossed in looking at something, but it took a moment before a familiar ‘ding’ sounded, alerting Dulce to a new notification from their blind date. It was Marilyn typing back, after at least ten minutes of waiting.
[Strawberrybell_02]: Sorry for the late response! These look great, I can meet you there for sure!
[Strawberrybell_02]: See you in a moment!
Marilyn smiled down at the screen as she exited the messaging application, typing the location of the cafe Dulce was waiting at and hurrying over. While she was not running late, she was never a fan of keeping someone waiting. She had come prepared with some gifts; a heart-shaped box of assorted chocolates and a bouquet of freshly cut flowers were tucked under her arm as she speed-walked to the cafe. The description given of her date was rather distinct: just look for a pair of greed horns resembling lit candles… and bingo! While Dulce was distracted, the pride bun walked to them, clearing her throat before speaking politely. “Excuse me, are you Dulce?”
The white furred bun with markings like sprinkles turns around and smiles, bright as their lit candle horns upon seeing Marilyn.
“Oh! Hi!! Yes I am! You're Marilyn, right? It’s so nice to meet you!” Without waiting for her reply, Dulce grabs one of Marilyn’s front hooves and spins both of them around in a full circle before settling back to face her. “Oh right! Here! I have something for you!”
Letting go of her hoof, Dulce bends over and picks up the gift they prepared off the ground. Blowing some dust off it, the greed buns hands her a rectangular white striped blue box, beaming up at Marilyn. “You can open it now! Or later, up to you!”
Marilyn could only let out a little surprised squeak when Dulce suddenly grabbed her by her hoof and spun her. By the time the white-furred bun had stopped, the pale beige bun still holding onto their hoof was giggling, trying to hide half her face in her thick scruff. “Oh, you’re such a darling.” She sighed, gasping for air as she tried to compose herself from laughing so hard, immediately putting her hoof over her mouth again when she realized what she had just said. Instantly, she waved her hoof around as she set the items she was carrying on the table, “This is sweet of you, I have also prepared something for you! Here you go!” She said, gently taking the white and blue striped box from Dulce and pushing forward both the bouquet and chocolate box. “It’s nothing much but I thought I would also get some flowers since I passed by the florist on the way over!” Marilyn chuckled, tilting her head a little and causing the bell she wore around her neck to tinker slightly. Examining the box, the pride bun looked back up at Dulce, “Well, I’d love to open it now if you don’t mind!” she chimed as she began to ease to lid off the box.
“Aw thank you for the gift! You didn't have to but they're wonderful!” Dulce gasps in awe as they receive the bouquet and chocolate box. “Oh yes please do! I’ll have a peek at your gift too…” Though they say that, Dulce still glances over as they watch Marilyn open the lid.
The white striped blue box’s lid slides off to reveal a plastic casing with little holes filled with some twenty or so white marshmallows. In a separate section beside the marshmallows were some long silver cutlery resembling fondue forks. It's a marshmallow toasting set.
“I hope you like it!” Dulce beams, “I saw you also had an arctoasty so in case you didn't already know the wonders of toasted marshmallows… it's the best ever! Ok I'm going to open yours now!”
Opening the lid of the chocolate box, the greed bun’s eyes sparkle visibly before they shake their head. “These look so good but I must resist, we should get something to eat here instead!
“Neither did you, but you did so anyway.” Marilyn pointed out honestly, offering Dulce a kind smile as they traded gifts. The rather serious-natured pride bun beamed when she slid off the lid and peeked into the box, “Oh my, this is wonderful… I do, my Arctoasty and I love toasted marshmallows as treats. ” she smiled, her hoof gently gliding along the top of the plastic casing and staring down in awe and admiration. “This is such a thoughtful gift, I’ve never seen a marshmallow toasting set before, this would go great for future s’more-making purposes. Thank you so much, Dulce.”
It was Dulce’s turn to open their gift, while the heart-shaped box was indeed full of assorted chocolates, Marilyn took some creative liberty when crafting the gift. Inside, there were homemade chocolate treats using marshmallows and strawberries amongst other things. “I’m glad you like it too, oh don’t be shy! Help yourself!” The pride bun nodded her head and waved her hoof as if giving the greed bun the go-ahead.
“Hehe. Yay yay! I was worried it would be too specific of a gift but I’m glad you like it!” Dulce grinned, nodding up and down, seeming happy that their gift made a positive impression on Marilyn.
Dulce’s gaze goes back to the opened heart-shaped box, swallows slowly then glances back at Marilyn taking in her next words. “Ah. You’re too kind. I’ll just have one then…”
Gazing at the selection of homemade chocolate treats, Dulce squeezes their eyes closed before randomly selecting a chocolate from the arrangement. Popping the chocolate in their mouth, their eyes pop open as they chew.
“Wow, no way! A chocolate coated strawberry? I thought it was just strawberry shaped chocolate! Did you make these yourself? Man, if I had known you had such a talent maybe this dessert cafe won’t impress you, haha.” Dulce rambles, gazing from the homemade chocolates to Marilyn as they do.
“Well, being specific means that you must have put a lot of forethought into the gift,” Marilyn replied honestly, nodding in approval as she placed the lid back onto the box and put it into her bag. “I’ll be sure to use this the next time I decide to make some toasted marshmallows, maybe pop them onto some hot cocoa. The season’s warming up but that’s not an excuse to enjoy a nice beverage.” She rambled, not noticing Dulce had already made their selection of chocolate until the Greed bun had complimented her.
“Thank you, I promise it’s nothing much,” The pride bun chuckled to herself, putting her hoof to her mouth. “It’s simple when you have all the ingredients, especially high-quality ones. Tampering chocolate to form that crisp shell comes naturally when you’ve done it many times prior.” The pale beige bun could not help but blush in embarrassment as she scratched the back of her head, “I make this for myself frequently, it’s a favorite treat of mine to have especially during tea time.” She waved her hoof again, “I love desserts, I’m never opposed to trying new places.” The angora bun then turned her attention to the menu. “Do you have anything in mind?”
“Wow you do this all the time then! You’re so cool, Marilyn!” Dulce smiles, compliments roll off their tongue sweet as sugar but genuine as such too. The candle horned bun nods as they listen to the other bun chat, as they carefully close the lid back on top of the heart box and set it aside carefully.
“Oh yes!” Upon being prompted again about the menu, Dulce turns their attention back to the dessert menu. “I was just looking at this before,” Sticking out a hoof to the picture on the menu, they continue: “This Valentine’s special 3 dessert set looks great to share.”
Even though the Pride bun was used to being complimented for her work in her field, it was one of the first times she was complimented for things she had created in a more casual setting. Marilyn could not help but blush slightly and avoided eye contact, “Wow, you’re too kind, Dulce.” She smiled, “This is the first time I’ve had a date compliment me so much, you’re just as lovely.” The angora bun chipped back, her emerald gaze on the menu again. She nodded in approval when the Greed Bun suggested trying the Valentine’s special. “I see many others trying it, so I’m sure it must be good!”
Reaching into her carry-on to take her phone, she scanned the QR code meant for placing online orders and made the selection on Dulce’s behalf. She took a moment to decide before she added a cup of strawberry tea for herself to the order, before looking back at the cake bun. “Would you like a beverage too?” She asked while looking through the other options on the menu.
“Aw, I'm just being honest. It's impressive to have such a skill, I tend to just buy desserts from others… So uh,” The flames flicker on Dulce’s candle horns as they blush and glance away back at the menu. “Sounds good then! Let's get that set.”
Dulce glances back at Marilyn when prompted about a beverage. Looking back at the menu, they scan through the drink options. “Oh good idea! A drink paired with a dessert is a must have! I'll have a…. pink lemonade then? Is it any different from normal lemonade… Do they make it from pink lemons…?” Dulce frowns, as if in thought; despite the lit candles on their horns, they're not the brightest candle on the cake.
“That’s completely fine too,” Marilyn argued back, being mindful of her tone and still maintaining that soothing gentle voice of hers. “You are still supporting local businesses while getting a tasty treat in return. From how I see it, it is a win-win situation!” She pointed out honestly. She nodded even though Dulce had chosen their drink, “Well, to be honest, pink lemonade is made using a pink coloring agent. This could range from crushed red-pigmented berries such as strawberries or cranberries, or more artificial colors such as red food dyes!” The pride bun rambled, “I’ve read about it once, my littermates often joke that long ago, buns washed their pink laundry in streams which drink makers coincidentally draw water from that would turn into lemonade.” The angora bun wrinkled her nose at the story, it was certainly unhygienic and a disgusting thought, especially given that they were about to eat something. Marilyn could not help but roll her eyes at the memory, “It’s such a silly story anyways, I do not believe that..” A faint smile on her soft features before she looked back at Dulce again. “Anyways, enough about pink lemonade lore, I’d love to hear more about you.” The pride bun was once again leaning forward, her tail whipping around a little.
“Oh! It’s food dye! That makes a lot of sense. Haha, imagine if pink lemons did exist! That’s like thinking chocolate milk comes from brown milkweed… I never believed that one.” The greed bun looks away quickly then back at Marilyn. Dulce nods along as they listen to the pride bun talk about red food dye, eyes widening at the pink laundry part. “Oh no. They wouldn’t… Oh good. That would be an unappetising origin story for all pink coloured foods.” They relax at the mention that it was likely not true.
Dulce perks up a little upon being inquired about themself, then settles back just as quickly into their seat. “OH I’m not that interesting to talk about really. I just like finding new desserts to eat, like here. I’m glad I got to share this experience with you, Marilyn. Thanks for agreeing to come here for the date!”
“Pink lemons would be silly, I’d imagine they would just look like less-rounded grapefruits!” Marilyn chuckled at the thought of different flavored milkweed. She quietly nodded as Dulce responded to her silly tale, smiling at the cake bun ramble. “It’s fine, Dulce, you don’t have to tell me, I do like that you and I share a similar hobby of cafe hopping.” Marilyn nodded, watching as a pale blue bun waiter walked over with their desserts and drinks, she paused as he set each dish down and left after the pale beige bun thanked him. “These look delicious…” Her attention was now on Dulce as she picked up her teacup, lightly swirling the amber-colored beverage within the porcelain.
“I should be thanking you, Dulce, I had a wonderful time with you today as well.” She said, taking a tentative sip of her beverage after blowing on the top. “It has been wonderful getting to know you, Matentines sure is a nice time to get to know new buns, don’t you agree?” The pride smiled, setting down her cup and now picking up her fork, cutting a small piece of one of the cakes. “Come on now, the desserts aren’t going to eat themselves!” She joked, taking a forkful of shortcake.
“Wow! These look amazing!” Dulce nods at the bun waiter in thanks before giving their full attention to the desserts on the table. They turn their attention back to Marilyn, beaming at her words.
“Of course, we have to eat these desserts before they eat themselves! Maybe we can go to other cafes in the future! If you want, of course!” Dulce happily takes a forkful of the strawberry cheesecake and raises their fork up. “Cheers to future desserts we will eat together!”
“Cheers!” Marilyn exclaimed in unison. For the rest of their date, both buns chatted idly about different foods they had tried while enjoying their treats. At the end, they both left satisfied with bellies full of cake, and a new friend.
Blind Date collab where Dulce and Marilyn meet at a dessert cafe
Submitted By raiying
for Blind Date
Submitted: 1 week and 12 hours ago ・
Last Updated: 1 week and 12 hours ago