All That Glitters is Gold

In Prompts ・ By ZarozAestoth
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The twinkling chandelier lights glistened and sparkled, illuminating the main dance hall of decadent and luxurious Gossamer Gala. With the gilded decorations admits the array of uniquely designed accents that perfectly transcended the space into a fairy tale wonderland. Any bun that knows a bun hopes and prays that one morning they’ll wake up to find one of the highly coveted invitations delivered to their doorstep. That is *if* they have a high enough social standing to even get noticed by sophisticated owner of the Wonderland Casino Strip, Ms. Angora. 

Eros, a sweet yet humble bun and decently known enough romance author in his corner of the industry is simply such small pebbles compared to much larger business moguls and fashionistas, all with much more influence and power than him. With such little notoriety there would be zero chance of him acquiring the honor of attending such an event, and unlike some other choice buns, isn’t one to fancy attempting to sneak his way in. Thankfully he would have to do no such thing as funny enough there is a bun, a very gorgeous, very lovely, and absolutely wonderful doll who treasures him to such an extent that the moment the gala was brought to her attention she knew exactly who she’d make her plus one. 

The only downside? Eros was completely, utterly, dreadfully out of his element. Sure he had been to some formal outings in the past, but very rarely and definitely not to this scale, with people this high of reputation in society. All these stakes made the poor anxious bun’s little heart seize up. His hooves were clammy as his fur grew soaked in sweat, and with his nerves running high the fear of ruining the attire his darling had personally tailored for him for the ball only served to worsen his mood. 

Eros had been standing by the woman of his dreams, the radiant Marchel quite busy mingling with some other high profile dolls, similar to her in status. This was his chance. He took a deep breath, lightly slipping away as he tried to minimize the soft clicking sounds his hooves would make on the marble flooring. Eros needed to find somewhere quiet, somewhere less *intense*. In his daze he waded through the splintered crowd, unaware of his surroundings until he somehow ended up at the expensive hors d’oeuvres table. There were a few staff lingering nearby with some other buns sampling the platters, but overall much calmer. He could catch his breath here, he hoped.

As Marchel chatted away about personal business matters, she didn't seem to notice something was amiss immediately. That is, until she looked around her and saw that Eros had wandered off somewhere. What on earth? Where'd he go?

Marchel politely excused herself after noticing the smaller bun was missing, and began walking through the room, eyes gazing over every person in the crowds. He was a short bun, but Marchel could still pick him out in a crowd.

It didn't take too long for Marchel's teal eyes to land on the nervous Eros, hiding over at the table of food. He looked a bit anxious and overwhelmed. This worried her. Without much hesitation, she made her way over to the table that the smaller bun was at, approaching gently.

"Did you get hungry, darling?" she asked. "You know if you wanted to come get something to snack on, I could have come with you, honey."

Eros’ breathing was hitched as he was really trying to focus on his surroundings and snap out of his funk. He tugged on the collar of his dress shirt, the tie around his neck felt constricting. He gently brushed himself off, straightening out his glittery gold blazer before fixing the little butterfly charms pinned around his horns.

While he was so transfixed in adjusting himself Eros hadn’t even noticed that his sweet had found him here. At the sound of her soft tone he quickly perked up turning to her with his mouth slightly agape. He ran a hoof back behind his head and towards his neck, so sure that she had been too occupied. 

Eros chuckled awkwardly, his nerves still wound up tight, “No no I-“ trailing off until he found his words, his dark eyes looking up at her, “I just needed to get away from the crowd.” He laughed anxiously, “So many strangers….I don’t know how you’re able to mingle so well dear! I just, well I just can’t seem to do anything other than turn into one of the fancy ornamental fountains myself haha!” 

Chel gave a friendly, gentle laugh as she kneeled closer to Eros' height.

"That's ok, my darling. I know you're not used to such surroundings. I apologize if this has been too stressful for you...perhaps we can do something nice afterward, just the two of us."

She gently used one of her hands to caress the bun's soft cherry maroon cheek, flashing a warm and reassuring smile as she did so. Her aqua green eyes seemed to sparkle as she spoke her soft words.

"If it helps, you've done much better than I even expected. You're very brave for stepping out of your element and joining me, which I am very proud of."

He blinked, fluttering his eyelashes quickly so that he wouldn't get all choked up on tears. 

Eros' mouth was slightly parted as Chel's words really rang deep in his ears. With wide soft eyes he smiled at her warmly, leaning his head into her touch before gently putting a small cream colored hoof over top of her hand.

"I would love that Marchel. I would love that alot." Eros nuzzled against his beloved, "I'm sorry to have made you worry with me running off like that." His lips turning downwards in a small remorseful frown. 

"You're such a patient and tender hearted woman. At times I wonder what compels you to," He paused briefly, awkwardly chuckling, "put up with my antics so to speak."

"Antics? Aw honey, everyone has their insecurities and things that are scary for them. It's no shame in being out of your element and a little afraid. I choose your company because I appreciate you as you are, so you don't need to worry about that," she assured with a soft pat to the top of the small bun's head.

"Once we're done here, we'll definitely go do something nice for just the two of us afterward. My treat. I need to finish the conversation I was having with my associates, but it shouldn't be much longer. We can leave after that."

Eros smiled warmly up at her, feeling himself start to gush from her tender actions. He sighed, "Oh Chel I adore your company as well." 

He delicately patted himself down with a glint of newfound determination in his eyes, psyching himself up, "Yes of course! We should see to it then shall we my dear? I wouldn't want your reputation with your associates to sour." 

Eros held out a hoof to her, "I think when the gala is over it would be a nice change of pace to do something *quieter*." He chuckled a little as his cheeks dusted with blush, "Maybe something simple and sweet like cuddling up. Possibly while watching a movie accompanied with hot beverages perhaps?"

"That sounds quite lovely, my darling," the rosy bun responded. "I can make us some tea or something to go with it. You can pick the movie as compensation for tonight."

She gave a pleasant, content sigh, knowing that at least her beloved partner was a little less frazzled. Marchel planted a soft kiss on the top of his head.

"It's a date, then. I will come get you once I finish up this chatter. Shouldn't be too long," she assured before quickly walking away to join her associates for last minute exchanges. 

And true to her word, it only took a few minutes while she gave polite goodbyes and wrapped up their discussions, satisfied with the work she had done tonight. 

Now that the boring stuff was over, it was going to be a lovely night in for just the two of'd be nicer than any ball could ever be.

All That Glitters is Gold
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In Prompts ・ By ZarozAestoth
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Submitted By KurimiTea for May I Have This Dance? 2023
Submitted: 1 year and 8 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

ZarozAestoth: RP Partner
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