Chapter 5: Harvest what you Sow
Chester's alarm rang and he jumped out of bed. Today was the day! The day he could finally harvest the flowers he planted in the greenhouse of the heavenly embassy.
He was more than excited. Harvesting something that he had sowed himself sounded amazing and interesting.
Chester ate some roasted tomato and baked beans with toast for breakfast. His imps were all over him and Chester decided to feed them first, he didn't want his Imps to jump in the beans.
After the morning routine, Chester wanted to leave but Dove, his Avia, flew on his head.
“Oh you want to come with me today again?” Chester asked and Dove chirped, snuggling deeper into his hair. Dove loved to stay snuggled up in Chester's hair while he works or goes out for an event. It seemed like today, his Avia wanted to be with him again.
“Okay then~” Chester said and walked to the Heavenly Embassy in a very good mood. He whistled some cheerful melody on his way.
When Chester arrived at the Embassy, Primrose and Dove were already in the Greenhouse, talking about something. When Dove saw Chester, their impression lit up and they ran towards the Succubun who just walked through the door.
“Chester~!” Dove cheered and jumped into Chester's arms. The taller man caught them with a laugh and swung them around before setting them back on the ground.
“I didint knew you would be here too Dove~ That’s nice surprise.” Chester purred and smiled while walking back to Primrose, accompanied by Dove.
“Yes of course! Primrose told me to help you with the harvest~ “ they said and looked up to the other Cherubun.
“He fears you’d destroy all of the petals.” They added with a laugh and Primrose looked annoyed, muttering something like ‘Well yes, He IS no Cherubun after all’.
He then let out a sigh .
“Anyways you’re both here now, i will attend to important stuff.” with that, he just walked out of the Greenhouse, leaving Dove and Chester behind.
“Okay! So the most important thing is to be very careful and gentle with the flowers.” Dove explained while walking to the ripe flowers. They were the ones Chester planted together with Dove a few weeks ago and Chester smiled at them proudly, he planted and cared for them.
“They’re very delicate! We will divide the Petals, leaves and stems and nectar.” Dove added to their explanation and put on some gardening gloves, handing Chester a pair too.
“The nectar?” Chester asked while putting on the gloves and Dove nodded.
“Yes, that's the most difficult part.” They said.
“Yea I can imagine, it sounds difficult…but with your help I can do it!” Chester said with determination.
Dove smiled at Chester’s enthusiasm.
“Okay! At first, we cut off the whole blossoms and put them in this basket." They explained and handed Chester a flower knife, specially for cutting flowers and placed the blossom baskets closer to the two.
“You need to be very careful!” They added and showed Chester how it is done with one of the flowers. Dove carefully held the blossom, pulled a little and then cut it off accurately at the base. It was really impressive how easily Dove made it look. The Cherubun then gently placed the blossom in the basket and smiled at Chester.
“Okay…I think I can do that.” Chester said and took a deep breath. He has a little performance anxiety but luckily not with Dove. Chester held one of the flowers gently and cut it off, just like Dove did. His cut wasn’t as accurate but the Blossom was good enough to be used later for ambrosia.
“Perfect! Just like that~! Dove praised and pat Chester on the shoulder.
Chester smiled and continued to carefully cut off all of the ripe blossoms and to put in the baskets together with Dove. The flowers he had planted appeared to be different ones and they had to sort them in different baskets. Chester really likes sorting things. They had a lot of fun during that but still stayed focused enough to get it done rather quickly and well. Once all were cut off, Dove picked one of the baskets up.
“Can you carry the others and come with me?” they asked and Chester nodded.
“Yes of course~” Chester said, picked up the remaining baskets and followed the smaller Cherubun.
They walked to the ‘Laboratory’ where Primrose often is and knocked. It was the room where the Cherubun made the ambrosia and Chester was very curious what was going on in there.
Primrose stuck his head out of the door a few moments later.
“Yes? “ he simply asked and saw the baskets.
“Ah you're finished with the blossoms, good, just put them here” Primrose said and gestured to a place inside the room. When Chester went inside, he could see all kinds of sciency stuff.
Chester and Dove put the baskets in and went back to the Greenhouse. Chester wished he’d could learn more about ambrosia, but maybe next week?
“Okay, now we cut the leaves and stems off and put them in these different baskets.” Dove said and got more baskets from the back of the greenhouse.
“You don’t have to be as careful as before but still a little.” They added with a smile.
Chester nodded and followed Dove’s instructions again. Cutting off the leaves, cutting the stems off and putting the roots aside took longer than cutting off the blossoms. Just like the blossoms, the stems, leaves and roots had to be sorted. Since there were more of those parts than blossoms, this took way longer. Nevertheless Chester had fun and became pretty practiced and it almost felt natural to him. He didn't know he had a thing for gardening!
When the evening came, Dove the Avia chirped displeased.
“We are almost done Dove~ “ Chester said and petted the little Imp that was still snuggled into his hair. It made another displeased sound.
“Oh no, Is it hungry?” Dove, the Cherubun, asked with big sad eyes.
“Yes I suppose.” Chester answered and the imp on his head chirped approvingly.
Dove gently took the small Imp off Chester’s head and smiled calmingly.
“I will feed it okay Chester? You can do the rest alone, yes?” they asked and Chester nodded.
“Yes of course~ ” He said and continued to place the last stems and leaves in the baskets while Dove walked away with Dove the Avia.
When Chester finished up and cleaned his hands, Dove and Dove came back. The Avia was munching something and cooed happily.
“Oh you finished already, you're awesome Chester!” Dove, the Cherubun cheered and hugged Chester.
His Avia flew on his head and snuggled into his hair again.
“Then let’s go~ I have an uhm…Date with Jackal later.” Dove said and blushed slightly.
Chester smirked.
“Alright have fun~ I’ll go saying Primrose goodbye, you can leave already~” he said with a wink and Dove went home.
Chester walked up to the Lab and wanted to knock, but Primrose just opened the door.
This made Chester accidently bap his hand onto Primrose's chest , which made the Cherubun blush.
“What…” he said confused and Chester laughed.
“Oh sorry! I just wanted to say that we're finished and I’ll go home now~” The Succubun said and smiled.
“Ah yes…Come back to help me with the Ambrosia next week.” Primrose said and quickly closed the door in Chesters face.
Chester nodded and went home. He was pretty satisfied with his work today. He and Dove harvested so many flowers! At the start of the day he would have never thought they would finish all.
Chester unlocked his door and all his Imps promptly jumped at him which made Chester laugh.
“Yes yes i’ll feed you now.” he said and fed his Imps before eating something himself.
Later in bed he thought about the day again. The harvest was very exciting but helping with the Ambrosia? That’s gonna be so cool.
With these thoughts, he fell asleep with a smile.
Submitted By IggythePsycho
for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 5
Submitted: 2 months and 4 days ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months and 3 days ago