Nap Time
There was nothing more inviting than a bed.
Of course Led loved their drawing tablet and all the art they could make with it - but line after line, stroke after stroke... It was tiring, dull, dragging - it made a break sound appetizing. Even a meager thirty minutes would surely be enough to wash away the stress their mind knew...
Led stuck their stylus back into place, shutting down the tablet and sliding it back onto their desk. Stretching out their aching limbs, Led pulled themselves out of their chair. The sound of the wheels rolling backwards across the wood hardly registered, quickly covered by the thumps of their hooves across the floorboards. Their bed was mercifully close for a reason, the pillows and stuffed animals already braced for a visitor. Led fell forward easily, face melting into the soft comforter as their legs pulled the rest of the way onto the bed. Warmth enveloped them so completely that hardly any thought could be interpreted or maintained, though they still groggily retrieved their phone. Just thirty minutes would be fine...
A shrill sound jolted Led from a dream, prompting them upright with a heart that beat profusely enough to explode. Tired eyes scanned for the source - their phone, wherever it had gone. The blankets around them had twisted into a mess folded over in places and bunched into a thick circle around them. Their hands patted around for the hard object, eyelids fighting to stay open. Their fingers naturally curled around it when it was found, shifting it closer to see that thirty minutes had already passed. Why had they chosen thirty minutes? That was hardly any time at all.. They rubbed at their eyes, resting their head on a pillow as they set a new alarm for an hour from now. Before they allowed themselves to drift off, Led was careful to place their phone on the nightstand. That would at least make finding it a non-issue...
The call of the alarm, when it was heard again, was no match for Led's quick thinking. Without even lifting their head, they skillfully slid Snooze into place... Perhaps a few dozen times. Really, who was keeping track? Led hadn't bothered to check the time any particular time after the first, more than happy to simply wait until it felt right. There was plenty of daylight to waste...
Or, well, they had assumed so.
Led lifted their eyelids a final time, sure that they were satisfactorily awake enough to defend ending their nap. A yawn escaped them regardless as they turned to their curtained windows, only to frown as their fingers pulled it open. No light spilled into their room, only an inky blackness beyond the glass. A quick check of their phone revealed that midnight had already long passed them by - leaving them with no more daylight to waste. Really, though... What was there to do at night?
Led sat back on there bed, frowning a little and tapping their fingers along their leg. It was too late to draw - and far too late to even think about doing anything productive, for that matter. Everything only seemed frightening at this hour, cold and unknown in the inky darkness. Everything except...
Led curled back under their blankets, replacing their phone onto the nightstand and snuggling into the warmth and softness of their bed. They would have the whole day ahead of them tomorrow to draw - that was, if they didn't wear themselves out. They were sure that they would wake up refreshed tomorrow... but really, who was counting? Certainly not Led - and certainly not their alarms.
Submitted By sugarpoppy
for Living in Sin
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Submitted: 3 months and 3 hours ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months and 3 hours ago