Costumes and Concerns
“HOOONNEEEEYYYY, I’M HOOOMMMMEEEE~!!!” A loud voice echoed from the front of the mostly empty nightclub. The only soul that was currently present in the building was behind the turntable that was on its pedestal near the nightclub’s dance floor. The establishment’s DJ, and technical manager though they won’t ever openly admit that, Zenith, was making sure their equipment was still in working condition. Though upon hearing the voice enter the building and yell at the top of their lungs made them roll their eyes.
“Hey Courage.” They’ll raise their voice a bit so that their friend can hear them. “You know where the key to his office is, have fun.”
“Ohhhhhh, that’s not why I’m here this time, Zenny~ Though, it is tempting.” As footsteps approached the pedestal, Zenith stood up and leaned over to look down at their best friend, though before they could speak, they immediately paused at what they saw. Courage was decked out a lot of leather in dark greys, or blacks depending on your viewpoint. A very loose fitting vest, no shirt, boots with a bit of a heel to them, pants that were more just the legs held together by a belt and was heavily exposing his inner thighs, showing off a bit of his leg tattoo, and a thong, covering up his privates. Oh, and he also had a whip and silly hat, which he wasn’t wearing. The DJ just tilted their head as they stared at their best friend.
“...Coco, I gotta say, given we’ve lived in a shared apartment for years, I gotta say, thongs are very much not a pair of underwear that fits you.” Courage rolls his eyes at Zenith’s comment, a grin plastered on his face. “And I hope you’re not gonna try and put that hat on at any point, take it from me, our horns are a bitch to work with hats and yours are worse than mine, on top of the perky ears. I at least got the ears working with me.”
“Yeah, yeah, I don’t plan on wearing it. I’m dumb, but not that dumb.” He’ll then jump up onto the pedestal and lean on the front of the turntable, being careful about any of the dials and doohickeys, as Courage calls them. “What I do plan on doing, is trying to convince you to come to a costume party with me~”
“...Did one of your stunt friends get you to take something as a dare?” The black and red envy shook his head, answering no. “Then you should know that your plan is impossible, given several things. One. People actually like you compared to me.” That’ll make the taller envy frown as he stares at them.
“People like you! You’ve got friends that you’ve made, granted I don’t get to meet them--”
“I’m pretty sure they’d either piss you off or you’ll accidentally scare them off.” Courage now pouts at them as they continue. “Two. I’m working tonight. Boss likes allowing buns to host their All Sinners’ Day’s parties here… More money for him, and a place like this for others to celebrate without wrecking their own homes. I can’t go, Courage. I appreciate the invite, but no can do.” They were about to go back to working on their turntables when their friend spoke up once more.
“Zenith.” Said bun tensed up when they heard him speak in a serious tone, something he practically never did. After seeing them pause in what they were doing, Courage continued. “I get that you have to work most of the time, but you really need to just say, “I want to do something for myself for once!” and just go and do so! I’ve been wanting to introduce you to my stunt friends, and hell, one of my littermates.” Zenith slowly turned their gaze up at their best friend, who was looking down at them with a look of concern. “I want you to be able to branch out and get to know people… I worry about you being by yourself most of the time. So, please, come with me to the costume party. We can find you a costume that’s more silly if you want rather than something like mine. Indulge in our vices and desires for fucks sake, that’s what this holiday is for.” Zenith stood back up and looked at their friend with a sad gaze and an equally sad smile.
“And I will indulge in my vice by being envious of you, Yukio and both of your separate partners enjoying your nights.” Courage’s frown deepened but before he could retaliate, Zenith put a hand over his mouth. “Courage, I know you’re looking out for me and I could not be more grateful that you are. But my energy and aura only apply here, and we both know that…” Courage’s ears lowered a bit as he listened to them. “Your aura actually brings people closer to you rather than pushing them away. So, for me, go have fun and indulge yourself in everything… And in Shin, cause if you don’t get any with what you’re wearing right now, I’d be surprised.” There’s a short snicker from behind their hand and light look of amusement in his eyes. “Can you promise me to do that?” As they remove their hand from Courage’s mouth, he’ll tilt his head.
“Promise what? That I’ll be roughhousing with Shi--”
“You know what I mean you gremlin.” He smirks, then he takes a deep breath.
“...Alright. Fine. But!” He lightly taps the tip of their nose. “You have to meet my friends at some point. And I really mean it. I’m pretty sure they’ll like you and your energy.” Zenith will roll their eyes and sigh.
“Fiiinnnneeeee. You’ll know where I’ll be when those days come.” Courage grins at their response. “Now go! Before you’re late to the costume party.” He does a silly little salute and hops off the pedestal.
“If I still find you here by tomorrow morning, I’m dragging you out of here, no matter whether you gotta work that night or not.”
“Go, Coco.”
“Fine, fine!” Courage holds his hands up in mock surrender. “I’ll be sure to tell you all of the deets when I get home~” Zenith smiled as they watched Courage, in his, in their opinion, ridiculous costume, leave the nightclub and close the door behind him.
Courage wants Zenith to go to a costume party with him, but...
Written as dolls, word count: 1,066
Also, cause I don't think I described it well, this is Courage's costume, just swap the top out with a vest and change the color to black.
Submitted By devilkitty1
for Costume Party
Submitted: 4 months and 1 week ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months and 1 week ago