[Solo] Tairghain and the Stakeout

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Tairghain was deeply trouble by the lack of information that the hazelbloom investigation was returning. After her discusssions with several notable individuals around town, she really got no where. While she was still heavily inclined to believe it was a bunch of naughty imps that had gone through and just absolutely devoured everything in sight, there was unfortunately not enough evidence to point anything in the right direction. Honestly, she really wondered what the point was of keeping these imps around. So, with a deeper scowl than usual, she trudged back to Hops and delivered the news. 
"Really...? Nothing? You've got to be kidding... we can't just let this stand..." Hops mummbled worriedly, staring off into the distance, obviously trying to figure out a solution. "There must be something we can do!" they exclaimed. 
Tairghain grunted and growled, "I do not know. I eem tempted to set traps, to be honest. Zat vould deter zem from detering, some sharp teeth in a foot!" Tairghain new how to set up spring traps of various kinds, and found theivery to be the lowest of the low. Especially of something so rare and importatn to Burrogatory society. 
Hops seemed to recoil slightly, "Eeeeh, I can't say that's the kind of solution I'm looking for. I don't necessarily thinks the perpetrator should be maimed, but maybe... you've given me an idea." There was a slight pause as the bartender stared off into the distance again, obviously pondering something, "Perhaps we can sit and hide somewhere... a stake out. If we can see who is doing this, maybe we can reason with them or redirect them somehow..." 
Tairghain grinned and replied, pulling out her sword and tapping it aginst her other hand, "Or dissuade zem from returning..." 
Hops looked at Tair warily and sighed, "Look okay, if reason and redirection don't work... fine... you can 'dissuade' them". 
Tairghain nodded solemnly in agreement and put her sword back in its sheath. They had to kill time for the rest of the day, but it passed quite quickly. Soon the sun set and Tair and Hops in their bun forms settled down amongst some bushes to spy on the hazelblooms. They really were very beautiful, unusual plants. It was a shame that someone would want to harm of injure them. 
The sitting and waiting was not horrible for Tairghain for the first while. She was a patient predator, settling down rather comfortably onto the ground to wait for their target. It shouldn't take long, right? Seconds melted into minutes, which melted into hours. Hops seemed to be less comfortable than Tairghain, in all honest. Tair noticed them shift fairly regularly, and shiver a little as the cold of night slipped in. Meanwhile, Tair found herself slipping into a meditative state. She began to wonder what these hazelblooms were like to actually enjoy. She could enjoy a good drink, in fact she could put down a full pint in a minute and walk out of it unscathed. Some rabbits could scarely believe her ability to hold her alchol. But smoking? That was something she did not often or eve partake in... let alone something that altered one's mental state. 
Tairghain couldn't help but smile to herself at the thought of perhaps leaving her sword at home if she decided to partake in the blooms. It definitely wouldn't be safe for her to be her usual boistorous self. So lost in her thoughts, she barely notice Hops glance at her nervously when Tair smiled-- the warrior bun was not quite aware that her smile look like a predatory grin to others. 
However, even her imagination could not entertain Tair forever. Soon the time seemed to drag and she started to shift and fidget along with Hops. These imps, of which Tair was sure were the culprits, sure were taking their time. Maybe they knew that the two buns were there and wouldn't come tonight. Would they have to sit the entire night, just to prove that the hazelblooms were safe? Perhaps it would have been better to set up several watches, so that they could switch off and take turns with the guarding. Ah well, too late now. 
Tair shifted again, starting to grow angry again that some random theives had stolen one of her comfortable nights. Man, she almost hoped that the "resoning" and "redirecting" hypothesis of Hops' doesn't pan out. She could use something or someone to swing her sword at a couple times. Just as she began to bristle in annoyance at her own thoughts, something seemed to move through the gloom. Both Hops and Tair perked up simultaneously and stared deeply into the darkness. Whatever it was... it was coming... and it certainly sounded bigger than the average imps. Tairghain was prepared. Nothing would ruin any more of these precious crops, not under her watch! 


WC: 810

[Solo] Tairghain and the Stakeout
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In Prompts ・ By PirateQueenAlanna

WC: 810

Submitted By PirateQueenAlanna for Hazebloom Stakeout
Submitted: 1 year and 9 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 9 months ago

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[[Solo] Tairghain and the Stakeout by PirateQueenAlanna (Literature)](http://727428.etanatrading-hk.tech/gallery/view/3775)
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