May I have this Dreadful Dance?
If asked, Andre would have politely smiled and said he never expected the Fairy Masquerade to be such an extravagant event. This might have charmed other dancers, but for anyone that knew anything about it, that was not at all a compliment. He didn’t like places like this, where he had to lose his boots and leather for something more flowery and spring.
Of course he couldn’t say no to his manager suggesting he went, it was good to show the band wasn’t just one-sided. Andre would have argued that was selling out, but that was the kind of anger that looked better on Minerva. Even Damien. He wore anger on his ugly like an ugly mask.
Speaking of masks, he pulled his own off just to get a moment to breathe as he leaned against a table. He wanted to go home.
Extravagant events were the sort of thing Zero rather fancied. Perfect opportunity to do some business on the sly. Not at the moment however. That was up to his subordinates. He was only here to observe, to be present and to chat up Angora.
Not to mention the drinks happen to be free. He had also charmed a few other guests into a dance or two on the floor while taking the opportunity to gather some bits of pieces on other businesses and buns to watch out for.
Speaking of. Zero’s lips curved up into what could easily be assumed to be a rather charming smile. However, to those who knew him; it would appear to be sinister and dangerous. His eyes had locked on a certain Greed that he knew had escaped The Blood Watch with his life intact. A rarity.
He smoothly weaved his way through the crowd until he reached his target and leaned over to whisper rather silkily
“Hello Andre. It certainly has been a while, hmm~?”
Andre wondered if he should stop a server for a glass of champagne, just to calm his nerves, when he heard a voice that immediately put him on edge. Like ice cold fingers digging into the base of his spine, ready to rip off his tail.
He turned, his expression tightening in a familiar fear that he had almost forgotten. “Zero.” Just that name was enough to make him feel nauseous.
Zero tilted his head to the side slightly, hair easily falling off his shoulder at the way fear washed over Andre’s body so easily. It was so amusing. So the little greed had not forgotten his old days huh?
“So casual~ I suppose you cannot exactly call me ‘boss’ anymore considering you escaped.” Zero chuckled lowly “It is quite the surprise to see you here at the gala. Pleasant one nonetheless. You clean up quite nicely”
Andre hated remembering his old boss, the old fights and the old times where everything felt like it was his fault. It made his skin itch under the suit he was wearing.
He swallowed thickly, eyes flickering around for an escape as he awkwardly smiled, “I suppose I can’t.” It made him want to curl his lip when Zero said he cleaned up well. “I had to look my best for this event.”
Zero shifted slightly to block possible routes of escape, his smile bordering on predatory at the way it seemed like Andre was scouting out his own escape route.
“Oh my~ Scouting out escape routes already?” Another low chuckle “So rude. The gala only just started and already you’re attempting to escape an old acquaintance…. Have you learned no manners in your time away? A shame”
Then he leaned in to speak in a rather low silky yet rather icy tone “You do realize you are quite lucky to have escaped with your life intact? Others who have made an attempt to escape have paid with their lives….It would be a grave mistake to test me here…”
Then he pulled away with another chuckle.
Andre wondered then if he wasn’t the same man he used to be, afraid of the shadows he tried so hard to outrun. But in the end, he was still stuck in the same place unable to move his feet.
He shook his head quickly, his breath leaving him a little too fast. He was afraid and he knew it was obvious. “You’re wrong sir, I’m just not much a fan of parties like this. They make me cagey.” He was even slipping back into that voice he used to have, the one where he spoke like he was afraid of making too much noise. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”
Zero clicked his tongue in amusement, enjoying this quite a bit “All is forgiven for now~” He purred. It was always amusing to see others clearly fearful in his presence, especially the lower rankings and new recruits. Andre had been quite promising, so obedient and yet he had fled in the end.
It has been interesting to keep track of the Greed bun…
“You much prefer the parties you would partake in with those……hmm…little friends of yours? What did you call yourselves? Ah yes. The Fifth Circle. Quite the pivot you have made in lifestyle” he hummed as he kept his eyes on Andre while easily grabbing a champagne flute from a passing waiter to sip on.
“I do have to wonder….whether or not they are aware of your dirty little past~”
Andre took an unsteady breath, he didn’t like hearing his band’s name on Zero’s lips and even less that the man was keeping such a close eye on his band. It scared him, but there was another smaller part of him that was indignant. He left didn’t he? So why chase him like a ghost.
“I would.” He muttered, his shoulders tense. Of course he wanted to be with his band, all of this was irritating enough without terror being thrown into the mix. “You don’t have to worry, they do know.”
It was rare for buns to leave his syndicate with their lives intact so of course Zero had to keep tabs on them out of pure curiosity and amusement. It had been fascinating to keep up with Andre and his journey with his band.
Zero sipped his champagne as he chuckled “Relax, we are simply having a pleasant conversation at the Fairy Masquerade Gala, yes~?”
He mulled over the answer to his pondering before smiling charmingly “And they are perfectly fine with the fact that you have done such things~? Must be really nice to be surrounded by such naive people” He clicked his tongue
“Then again. One of them is quite involved in street fights…. Fitting that you would keep that aspect of your…old life” He had indeed looked into the members.
“Ah…ah don’t overthink too much, Andre. I won’t be bothering with recruiting her~” he purred as he sipped his glass.
Andre felt sick. “Don’t… don’t mention her. Don’t talk about her, she’s not like that. She fights for fun.” He wasn’t like the pain and terror that Zero inflicted, Minerva didn’t actually hurt anyone too badly. She was good and perfect and he didn’t want anyone touching even a hair in her head.
He calmed down slowly, remembering who he was talking to and realizing he shouldn’t be that bold. Especially when he realized Zero wouldn’t recruit him. He cleared his throat. “Right I shouldn’t have assumed.”
Zero’s smile was now rather predatory as he stared Andre down like a prey to devour.
“My oh my so protective. Fascinating how much you have changed since leaving. You seems….What was the word? Oh yes. ‘Happier’. We wouldn’t want to shatter that would we?” His chuckles had a hint of danger to it.
“Besides. Your little…band…..It does have some merit to it so I shall keep my distance. For now.” His tail flickered in amusement as Zero grabbed another champagne flute from another passing waiter and offered it to Andre.
“You do look like you could use a drink” He purred.
Andre didn’t like feeling like this, prey under a watchful eye. It was part of the reason he craved control in his own life, why he never gave up the little bit of it he had. From friends to lovers, there was always something that he did to make sure he had a hand in what happened. “There is nothing I wouldn’t do for them.”
He took the offered glass, wanting some liquid courage to soothe his discomforts. He took a drink immediately.
Zero’s smile shifted slightly so his fangs were visible. “Oh? Nothing you would not do for them?” He mentally filed that piece of information away for future usage.
His body posture had remained rather relaxed throughout their entire conversation despite his facial features and vocal tone indicating a different story only visible to those who could read him.
“Do be careful with your words, little greedy boy” He purred once again as he drained his champagne and set it aside. “Still indulging that greedy vice of yours or have you obtained more restraint~?”
Andre wondered if he should regret saying that, but the alcohol was helping him feel a little less terrified, if only just slightly.
He also wasn’t stupid enough to think his old boss was actually relaxed, there was always something unsettling with that man. Something… off.
He flinched when he heard what Zero called him. “It’s my vice… of course I indulge it.”
Zeno’s tail flickered in amusement at the flinch from Andre. He was clearly enjoying this. He had been somewhat bored prior to finding the syndicate recruit turned rockstar.
“So you would say you are quite greedy with attention on you and your little band? With your new fans? With your friends?” he purred “Interesting that you would choose this path considering you were such quiet little greed, wary of attention…”
Zeno grabbed another flute of champagne to sip on “Interesting that you thrive on what you once feared.”
Andre felt cold. He didn’t want to be talked about like his or to have his fans mentioned, but if Zero knew this much, he probably knew that Andre was free with his “affection” for his band, his friends, even some very daring fans. He didn’t know what that bothered him.
“This attention is different to what I used to get.”
Zero chuckled with amusement as he drained his champagne and set the glass aside once again.
“Shall we dance then so I may lavish you with more attention~? Surely that would be the polite thing to do” He offered a hand, clearly intending to do the leading.
Andre felt his stomach twist just from the thought of this man lavishing him attention, it felt uncomfortable. Especially when he realized the other wanted to lead their dance.
But… he knew trouble would follow if he didn’t agree. “If that’s what you want.” He took the other’s hand.
Zero’s face smoothed over in that deceptively charming facade he had originally as the Envy led the Greed onto the dance floor, his free hand easily finding Andre’s waist while being mindful of his claws resting on the fabric. It would not reflect well on him to accidentally tear fabric after all.
With practised grace, he began to lead Andre across the floor in tune to the music.
Andre didn’t like looking up at Zero when they were this close, the few inches all that more prominent. He especially didn’t like that hand on his waist or that he had to set his own on Zero’s shoulder.
He was a bit stiff while he was lead through the dance, it wasn’t like he knew much about fancy dancing or the like.
Zero’s silky voice easily reached Andre’s Perky Ears “Relax, little greedy doll~ Try and enjoy this dance” Oh, his voice was certainly tinted with hints of mischief and amusement as Zero pulled him close when the music tune softened a bit; his hand on Andre’s waist shifting to wrap around instead. Zero guided them in sweeping circles around the floor, weaving in and out of other pairs on the floor.
“Being stiff is not a good look on you~” The envy purred.
Andre did his best not to flinch from the hand that shifted to an arm being around his waist. Why was it that Zero was able to have control over everything so effortlessly, what did he have that Andre didn’t?
“I don’t dance much,” he admitted, uncomfortable and unnerved by that purring voice. He knew too much about Zero, at least vaguely, to be charmed by his words or voice. They just filled him with dread.
“A shame. It is a good skill to have” Zero tsked “I am certain your ‘companions’ would enjoy dancing with you especially tonight” He commented as they continued to glide across the floor while the music continued.
Then as the music reached its best part, Zero dipped Andre low, his arm secure around the greed’s waist as if he had done it countless times prior before carefully and oh so easily straightening back up with Andre in his arms.
Andre tried not to grimace. “It isn’t dancing we do together.” Their music was what lit up their time together, not this confusing dance of something lingering uncomfortably around the surface.
He barely held back a startled sound when he was suddenly dipped, his eyes wide as he stared into Zero’s. For one brief moment, he remembered being that fresh to the burrows doll whose eyes glittered when he saw the Zero for the first time. When he still admired strength more than anything.
He was relieved to stand up straight again, but he had a feeling he was somehow closer than before. A space he was trying to subtly create.
Zero chuckled at the way Andre had reacted to being dipped. He smirked down at Andre as his arm squeezed Andre’s waist while Zeno guided them around the floor once again, clearly intended in dragging Andre along for another song on the dance floor.
He was quite enjoying unnerving and tormenting Andre a little tonight. It made for excellent entertainment to ease his boredom. Just watching the inner turmoil that whirled inside Andre was enough to improve his mood for the remaining evening.
Andre had a feeling this night would be far from over as he was once again pulled around the dancefloor. He was already cursing his manager’s name as he was pulled this way and that.
He only hoped he could escape Zero’s grasp long enough to run away from him, but for now he let the other doll lead their dance.
That was what the masquerade was for, wasn’t it? New experiences in the guise of costumes and free flowing alcohol. The mystery, the terror, this night would never end until it was ready and so Andre accepted this truth.
Submitted By Limi
for May I Have This Dance?
Submitted: 8 months and 3 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 8 months and 3 weeks ago