[Gift] Picture Perfect
“Hey guysss, and welcome back to the channel! Today it seems that I’ve found myself in this huuuge snow field! It sure would be a shame if I… oh, I dunno… accidentally fell over and lost my top in the snow… ahaha, yeah right. It’s not like I’m even streaming yet.”
Carefully, Sly waddled forward across the slippery snow fields; one foot in front of the other so he didn’t drop his selfie stick or scarf… Yep, that’s the ticket. He didn’t really care if he fell in the first place, but dropping his phone… now THAT sounded like a HORRIBLE disaster. Luckily he’d already come out here before for a spot of snowman making so he knew where all the slippery spots were… now though? Now it was time for business.
Yep, he’d come back out to the snow field to snap a couple “tasteful” pics for his OnlyBuns. Was he freezing every external part of his body to nothingness out in the middle of a snow field wearing nothing but a scarf, festive hat, and a red and white striped bikini? Absolutely! Was he gonna give up the chance to snap a pic with at least three buff snowmen and a reasonably sized icicle? Absolutely not! His nips being rock hard guaranteed at least 15-percent increase in clicks; why would he pass that up?!
Sly breathed out a cloud of white vapor, using his free hand to dust off a flat rock. Here looked like a good place to start taking a couple lukewarm pictures to start the “Dreamy Boy in a Snowfield” collection; you always start these things off with the basic ones and get to the spicier ones later. You gotta leave ‘em wanting, you know? His butt was getting colder by the minute, so… snap, snap, snap… Sly moved his selfie stick around taking a couple different photos from different angles. High, low… There was even a light snowfall starting, so the pictures turned out super pretty. A sensual guy framed by shimmery snow and gentle snowflakes… perfect!
And the next scene went swimmingly too! Sly found a couple abandoned snowmen—scarves, top hats, brooms, the whole nine yards—and had a whole scene with his new “hires”. Sitting in the middle of them all, giving one a kiss on the cheek, some… other things too! And the NEXT next scene was even better — a row of impossibly large icicles half-buried in fresh, new snow? Oh you know where that’s going! … Sly’s sitting beside them, c’mon! Get your head out of the gutter, this photo set wasn’t for the “special patreons” so none of that spicy stuff.
Well… y’know… unless…
Sly looked at one of the smaller icicles and raised an eyebrow. He reached up and broke off the tip, giving it a turn over in his hands.
Okay, yeah, but what if…
Yeah, actually… this could work!
Why not at least give it a try?
After wandering back from his rope photo shoot, Sasara readjusted his hold on the mannequin he’d been using. The freshly fallen snow was so pretty around this time… he’d been so distracted by it that he hadn’t noticed the weirdly shaped snow drift in front of him and promptly tripped over the soft pile.
Sasara picked himself up and turned around… ah. A bunny body. A familiar bunny body. Sasara reached down and plucked Sly’s bunny form from the snow, dusting him off and turning him over. Sly had previously been in some sort of pseudo-hibernation to keep his orifices warm, but jolted back to reality upon being tripped over.
“Sly… did you shove an icicle up your ass?”
“Uuh… w-well… it’s n-not what you think…”
“Haah. We’re going home.”
And so Sly’s disastrous photo session was cut short by a passing Sasara who realized that this stupid bunny was out here freezing more than his nips off.
“Sly’s headed out to the snow drifts to snap a couple provocative pics for his social media."
I GOT ANOTHER ONE FOR YA KEI!!! full on assault babey!!! YEEHAW!!!
another short little flic just for the holiday flavor, i hope it turned out well!!! <3
(its kinda a... part 2 to the other one? like liminally connected... or something like that...)
- Word Count: 650
- MYO-013 Sly, MYO-034 Sasara - eroge
Submitted By Monadx0x0
for Freshly Fallen Snow
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Submitted: 2 years and 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 years and 2 months ago