Working Hard
As a hospital director, Jae-eun oversees the running of one of the largest hospitals in Burrowgatory. She makes sure that her staff deliver the highest standard of care to all succubuns and new incoming cherubuns. It’s quite a learning experience, these new cherubuns. They’re completely different to succubuns, and Jae-eun is doing all the research she can in order to give them top standard medical care as they so deserve.
Most of her work consists of signing papers and other administrative work, but Jae-eun is occasionally called upon by doctors and nurses who are out of their depth and require her assistance. Luckily, that’s not often. She’s very pleased to have such a well rounded and competent team. Perhaps it’s up to her management skills, but Jae-eun won’t take all the credit for organising the staff!
Luckily, Burrowgatory doesn’t see many medical emergencies. It’s very rare to encounter such a challenge. However, with the latest arrival of these cherubuns, it certainly has caused a bit of a stir for everyone!
It’s a rush to find what suits. They’ve already discovered that cherubuns cannot take their medicinal drugs. But the medicinal drugs that cherubuns are accustomed to taking are toxic to succubuns! Jae-eun ordered a lot of new personal protective equipment and ordered lots of toxicology labs as well in order to study this new “ambrosia” for the cherubuns. They must be diligent in their work! Hopefully they can hire a couple of cherubun doctors and scientists so they can help treat their own kind as efficiently as possible without wasting time donning layers upon layers of personal protective equipment…
Well, until that day arrives, Jae-eun will do her very best to ensure that cherubuns receive top standard hospital care by her fellow succubuns. Opening up a spreadsheet on her computer, she sighs as she begins another batch of administrative work. She could really do with a secretary. Her workload would lessen and she’d have something nice to look at while she works.
Focus, Jae-eun! She’s not usually one to mix her personal life with her professional life. She’ll put her prospective secretary in another office. No distractions while at work!
Speaking of distractions, she has to stop thinking too hard and get back to work. Ah, yes, she needs to order a new set of labs for the new “ambrosia”. This means ordering a new batch of personal protective equipment and… oh dear. Costs are rising rapidly. Well, it can’t be helped. Jae-eun only wants the best for all of her patients and will organise for her staff to receive the best salary possible. Costs cannot be an issue when you’re in charge of delivering the most top quality care!
Jae-eun works hard as a hospital director in Burrowgatory! She strives to deliver top quality care and provide research for the new buns that they are about to meet.
Submitted By 123penguin64
for Working Hard
Submitted: 11 months and 3 days ago ・
Last Updated: 11 months and 3 days ago