A Little Intruder
It was night time...
In a somewhat modest yet nice looking two-story house in the Burrowgatory suburbs, there lives a fluffy green Pride bun. He is in his doll form, on his bed sleeping. He sounded so peaceful in his slumber, until he heard something fall and made a loud noise. His eyes slowly opened at that. "...ngg.. huh?"
He moved a bit and rubbed his eyes but chose to remain lying on the bed.
He looks around the room to see what's going on. He then notices something glowing and is on the small table next to him. He noticed it move as well. "...What THE F" He sprung up into action and instinctively grabbed a swatter that was conveniently just beside him before quickly smacking the glowing thing on the table.
"AH!" The glowing thing screamed.
And he heard it, pausing for a second in confusion at what that was. ".....Eh?"
Slowly, he raised the swatter to see what he just smacked. His vision is clear now as he can see what it is… It turns out to be a small flaming glassy bun, who lost consciousness after being swatted.
".....NOOoOO!!" He throws away the swatter and rushes towards this small bun. "Oh no jeez..! I'm s-sorry... uhh..." He has a panicked look as he tries to scoop up this bun in his palms.
The small bun hasn't answered him yet as they are still unconscious.
He tries to check any signs of injury if they are okay and all. Fortunately, there are no signs of any of that, the bun just simply got knocked out from the swat. "How did you get in here...?" He muttered to himself.
Some time had passed, now it’s early morning...
After treating this small bun for a bit. They are laid on the living room sofa, covered in a small blanket and some pillows. The Green Pride bun just sits beside them, watching over them
Then, the small bun finally starts to wake up. "Hrrmm.. hm?" They open their eyes, revealing that they have pretty big glassy eyes that appear to be cracked.
The Green Pride bun gasped. "...! H-hey.. you're awake..!" He went quickly to them. "Are you okay..?"
"My head hurts.." They said as they scratched their head. "Where am I? And who are you?" They asked.
"Oh uhm. I'm Raul.” The Green Pride bun answered, revealing his name. “And you are in my house right now."
"Eh??" The small bun seemed surprised. "Really?? No wonder it smells different here.." They scratch their head again.
"Oh.." Raul takes a closer look, noticing the cracks on this bun’s eyes. "No offense but... do you have difficulty seeing..?"
"Oh, why yes? How did you tell?" They asked, tilting their head a little.
"Well... I saw you have cracks in your eyes." Raul mentioned, became slightly nervous about it.
"Ahh I see. Well-" The small bun gets up now. "I'm so sorry for breaking into your home. I'll be going now-" They started to walk off the edge and then they fell off the sofa. "Aaah!" They let out a scream.
"Ah hey!" Raul immediately rushes in quick reflex to catch them before falling with his hands.
The small bun got caught by his hands. "Oh, thank you." They said to him.
"M-maybe you should stay for a bit? I'm actually making some food right now." Raul says.
There's a ding that was heard from the kitchen. "Ah, it's ready." He says as he placed the small bun on the couch again. "Yeah, I'm making some snacks for you if you like." He added as he stood back up again and hurried to get the food. "I'll be back, just… wait there please." He quickly left to get the food.
"Huh?? Wha- You don't need to do that though.." They said as Raul left, pouting.
After a bit, Raul then returned with a plate of grilled cheese sandwich with him. The smell is strong.
"Here..! Well I went this far now to make it, and I don't mind so.." He chuckled to himself nervously as he put the plate near the small bun. "It's a bit hot though."
The small bun sniffs the grilled cheese. "Ohhh.. that smells pretty strong.." They went to take it and eat it anyway. The small bun took a bite, he could taste not only melted cheese, but also sliced potatoes in there that melted with the cheese.
"It's kind of one of my quick snacks." Raul says, scratching his chin.
The small bun seems to enjoy it as they continue munching on it. “Mm..~”
"Hm.." Raul just looks on, noticing the bun's delight. He felt content knowing that at least. "What's... your name by the way..?" He asked. It took a while for him to ask that.
"Oh, where is my manners... My name is Pewinkle, but you can call me Pewii~" The small bun, named Pewii, says as they continue on eating the sandwich.
"Huh, Pewii... that's… quite an interesting name." Raul says, eyes widened a bit hearing that kind of name. "I thought the full wording would be 'periwinkle' there?"
Pewii continues munching on the sandwich and faces him. "I guess? But I'm fine with Pewii~"
"Pewii... hmm Pewii." Raul repeats his name, finding it odd yet also captivating, making his tongue get used to it.
Pewii continues on eating their cheese sandwich and eventually finishes it. "Mmm.. Do you have water?" They asked.
"Oh yeah. Here." Raul hands him a bun-sized big cup of water.
"Thank you~" Pewii took it and went to drink it, making small slurping noises while doing so.
"Hmm, do you think you can make your way back home..? Well, dunno if you are even familiar with this part of town." Raul mentioned.
Pewii finishes their drink. "Mmm.. I can do it myself." They said. "I don't want you to do much for me especially if I had just trespassed at your home." They went to get up now. "Well, I should be going now." They turn to Raul and nodded at him. "Thank you for the sandwich~ It was very good." They start to slowly get off from the couch, this time trying to be careful.
"Welcome... uhh" Raul sweated a bit, as he braced himself to catch Pewii again.
However, Pewii manages to get down alright this time. "Mmm.. could you lead me to the door?" They asked politely.
"Y-yeah yeah I was thinking of doing that." Raul chuckled nervously as he got up and started to try leading Pewii. Telling him which direction to go and such along the way.
"We're here now." He says as Pewii is now directly in front of the bun-only door.
"Oh, Thank you Raul~" Pewii goes to the door now, finding a way to open it and eventually managing to. "Thank you once again~" They said before heading out of the house.
"Welcome." Upon saying that, Raul peeks out a bit to check on wherever Pewii is going. "..." Stepping out a bit as well, seemingly not confident that Pewii knows the way.
Pewii can be seen hopping around and just touching the place. They managed to grab a stick and use it to guide themselves around. What he's heading towards, however, is a big, tall wall fence. And he's about to bump into it.
Raul's eyes widen and attempts to call out for him, however Pewii manages to tap at the wall with their stick before they could bump into it. He then tries to find a way around it.
Raul goes to them, clearing his throat before speaking. "Yeah uh, I don't think you can find a way out of here. Or well... it will take you ages sorta, I imagine." He says.
Pewii turns around and faces him. "Oh uh.. well.. could you lead the way then?"
"Yes of course, I would love to do that. Here. Just... follow my voice I guess..?" Raul says, trying to guide him. "Though the roads around this place here can get bumpy… and…" Raul stopped with that sentence and paused for a bit, thinking. "Hmm..." He looks around him, checking out the small province of a suburb where his home is located.
The place is oddly rather hilly, as such the path that connects them is pretty much bumpy, full of rocks and uneven terrain. Pewii won't be able to navigate this easily if they aren’t familiar with it.
Raul sighs, he turns to Pewii. "... Hey, Uhh.. Pewii? How about this." He tries to propose the only idea he could think of for now. "How about you uhh.. ride on me instead? Like, in me pocket or on my shoulder or hands or something...?" He asked, a bit nervous at that.
Pewii faces him. "Oh? You sure?" They tilted their head a bit hearing that.
"Yeah yeah, I don't mind that." Raul shrugged. "Do you?"
Pewii thinks for a bit. "Well sure. My feet are still tired so...."
"Alright." Raul nodded. He came near Pewii and had his palms placed flat in front of them. "Come on step up front here, I'll pick you up."
Pewii taps his hands with the stick and goes to his hands and takes a ride. Raul gently lifts him up now with care. "Here, my pocket, I think you can fit in." He uses his hands very carefully as if it's a platform for Pewii to stand and then get off from, positioning it carefully.
"Yoop~" Pewii jumped into his pocket now. They surprisingly fit just fine, and Raul's pocket isn't that deep, allowing them to ride and peek his head out of it.
"You good in there?" Raul asked.
Pewii peeks out and he nods. "Yup~"
"Alright, let's get going now." Raul said as he starts walking, his hand gently placed on one side of his chest as if to hold Pewii a bit.
Pewii could feel Raul walking forward, each step bigger than he ever expected. Likely because Raul himself is rather huge in his doll form.
"Where do you live by the way? Well, at least the street or town." Raul asked.
“Oh, I’ll give you the name.” Pewii gives him the details of their place and describes it as well.
"Wow, I know that place, it’s not that far from where we are.” Raul mentioned pleasantly surprised by that information. He thought that maybe Pewii got lost and accidentally took a different route that led them to where he is now. “Let’s make our way there then, this may not take while." Raul says.
They begin their commute to Pewii's place. While walking, Raul tries to start small talk. "Uh so uh..." He gulped. "What's your uhh... day job..?"
"I'm a sex worker and also a cook in a little cafe." Pewii said gleefully.
"Huh, that's quite interesting." Raul responded. "What... kinds of food are served in this little cafe? And what do you specialize in cooking yourself?" He added.
"I mostly make stews and noodles~" Pewii said. "And maybe some sushi too."
"Ohh that's quite a delicacy there." Raul seemed interested. Eventually he says his side now. "As for me. I have a career as a martial arts fighter."
"Oh? Really? You have muscles?" They asked, curious.
"Uh... y-yeah I have." Raul sweatdropped at that question.
"Ooo interesting then~" Pewii said.
Without even noticing at first, they finally arrived at the streets of where Pewii lived now.
"Wait, Oh! I think we're here now.” Raul says as he stopped and looked around. “Well I guess you recognize this place more if I put you down." Raul added.
"Oh? We're here??" Pewii tries to get out of Raul's pocket and then they fall off from his pocket. "Waah!" and hit the ground.
"Wait what the- PEWII?!!!" He crouched down immediately and tried to help him. "Are you okay??? Hey..??" He tries to feel if Pewii is alright.
Pewii gets up fine. "Ah, I'm okie~" They said and patted their body to get the dust off.
"Are you sure like..." Raul gulped, taking note of the fact Pewii has glass parts and all there. "Huh you can survive fine with that..."
"Yeah, I'm not fragile. I'm all fine~" Pewii said. He then grabs his stick and goes around tapping the place
Raul then just follows him close around for a bit. "Seems like a nice place to live around. Well... I prefer one that is just solitary." He chuckled a bit.
After a while, Pewii found the path that he is familiar with. "Oh, found my path now~ Thank you for taking me here." They said, smiling at Raul.
"Ah alright then, you're very welcome." Raul smiles back at Pewii a little.
Pewii goes to Raul. "Oh by the way, I wanna say something but can you carry me? Near to your face?"
"Oh? Well... sure." Raul crouched down, scooping up Pewii with both of his hands just like he did earlier. He then gently carried him next to his face.
"Thank you~" Pewii then "kisses" Raul but is more so a lick on his cheek. "Hee hee~" They giggled.
"....... Eh? Oh..." Raul got flustered by that. "T... thanks for that." He smiled a little but struggled with it, feeling rather shy.
Pewii just smiles at him. "You can put me down now." They said.
Raul nods as he gently places Pewii down now to the floor. "Well, I guess I'll see you then."
"Yeah~ Thank you again. And take care, Raul~!" Pewii smiles.
The two part ways now, with Pewii just following the path he knows that leads back to his home, and Raul just looks on, seeing the little bun just hop away with his stick. “He could… maybe use a proper blind stick.” He muttered to himself, feeling silly for thinking that as he made his way back to his home as well.
The day concludes, however this is just the beginning of their story.
A little roleplayed collab written piece made by me and my bf roromimii that tells the story of how Pewii and Raul first met.
Word count: 2300+
Submitted By elsiikun
Submitted: 1 year and 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 2 months ago