Love like gray bones
Hey, that toy kind of looking like…
Picking it up from the basket of others like it, Bonemeal rolled back a sleeve and held the length of it up against his arm. Yeah, it did look like the bone shaped mark of his arm, around the same size too. Peering over at the cardboard with a price taped to the basket, the succubun held up the bone to the distracted seller, which read like a ‘hey, I’ll take one’. Catching the bun form’s attention, he finally reached out and offered the carats with his other hand, and was directed to drop it on the counter while they were busy handling something else.
From the look of it, the seller had their hands full selling plushies of the bigger store owners. Feeling the negligible weight of the bone in hand, the texture of the rubber, Bonemeal wondered how Spaides’ like this as a gift.
Heading home was a standard affair, though he dragged his feet leaving the Toy Fair grounds, his eyes curious and thirsty for satisfaction. Many, MANY stalls with buns selling plushies of various quality. Plushies with wings, glowing, with flames, with gemstones, with metals...some stalls custom making plushies for couples as they watched. And then, a smaller number with clay figures, keychains…
The dull, gray bone in hand was feeling a little more boring after catching sight of some stuff, yet the other stuff just didn’t catch his eye the same. He had actually been here a few more times before, but as more or less Spaides’ uninterested shadow, nothing caught his eye till today when he was on his own…maybe plushie paled in comparison to that floof-poof angora bun himself? Finally passing by the final food stalls, Bonemeal wondered if it was almost close out time for it all.
For the most part, at least, the day itself wasn’t out yet. While there was still light, no doubt Spaides would bring the hoard of pups out to the park to stretch their legs. While the path was the same as heading home, it diverged in the other direction at the last juncture. Trees leafy canopies provide shade over the entrance of the park, giving him a glimpse of what the evening would look like, but he was right.
Standing amongst the impups, harpups, and bonezos was Spaides. Spaides with a sack of treats being overwhelmed. Standing a ways away for a little bit and watching the fluffy dark haired guy have a ball with the hoard, Bonemeal finally lifted the hand with the gray bone once he was finally noticed, giving a lazy little way before dropping it back to his side. Big mistake.
The one bonezo, for the moment he hadn’t noticed, was his own. Crybones, seeing the bone as it approached from behind Bonemeal, ran up and snapped it up from his hand and similarly ran off with it. Frowning and watching it run away with it’s new prize, his brows rose when the angora succubun came up and queried, “You got Crybones a new toy?”
Frown deepening a little, his mixed gaze flicking back down to Spaides beside him, he answered honestly with a middling tone of defeat, “Yeah, well, it was a little something meant for you?” That caused Spaides’ brows to furrow a bit, looking at the bonezo running around with the gray rubber bone, before Bonemeal raised an arm and rolled his sleeve to reveal the gray bone shaped mark of his arm. Immediately recognizing, the dark haired succubun shoved the bag of treats into his hand, before taking off after the white bonezo.
And of course, realizing he was now being chased, the bonezo only ran off at higher speeds, thinking this a game.
aka a bonezo named Crybones steals a gray bone Bonemeal meant to give to his boyfriend
Not-Crybones would never have done this
Submitted By birbutt
for Shiny New Toy 2023
Submitted: 1 year and 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 4 months ago