chthonic's Pet Logs

Sender Recipient Pet Log Date
AstronomyWitch chthonic Bimble (×1) User Transfer 11 November 2023, 02:18:26 EST
chthonic AstronomyWitch Pampki (×1) User Transfer 11 November 2023, 02:18:08 EST
chthonic chthonic Pampki (×1) Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Pumpkin Patch.) 9 November 2023, 01:13:33 EST
chthonic Harpup (×1) Shop Purchase (Purchased from The Starry Sky Shop by chthonic for 15 Carats.) 28 October 2023, 08:33:45 EDT
chthonic Draki Uniqor (×1) User Transfer 28 October 2023, 01:16:29 EDT
chthonic Uniqor (×1) Advent Calendar Prize (Claimed from First Anniversary Advent day 28 by chthonic.) 28 October 2023, 00:02:53 EDT
chthonic krisen Harpup (×1) User Transfer 25 October 2023, 11:15:54 EDT
chthonic lymerikk Bonezo (×1) User Transfer 9 October 2023, 05:23:22 EDT
chthonic Bonezo (×1) Advent Calendar Prize (Claimed from First Anniversary Advent day 7 by chthonic.) 7 October 2023, 00:01:47 EDT
chthonic Candyl (×1) Advent Calendar Prize (Claimed from First Anniversary Advent day 1 by chthonic.) 1 October 2023, 00:22:26 EDT
chthonic CarnivaleDream Impup (×1) User Transfer 2 September 2023, 01:11:20 EDT
chthonic chthonic Harpup (×1) Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Harpup Migration.) 12 August 2023, 06:56:51 EDT
chthonic chthonic Harpup (×1) Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Harpup Migration.) 12 August 2023, 04:31:58 EDT
chthonic chthonic Harpup (×1) Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Harpup Migration.) 12 August 2023, 03:30:34 EDT
chthonic chthonic Harpup (×1) Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Harpup Migration.) 11 August 2023, 19:50:57 EDT
chthonic chthonic Harpup (×1) Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Harpup Migration.) 11 August 2023, 06:31:49 EDT
chthonic chthonic Harpup (×1) Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for errands from Harpup Migration.) 11 August 2023, 04:43:44 EDT
chthonic Stellaram (×1) Shop Purchase (Purchased from Pedigree Pets by chthonic for 0 Carats.) 5 August 2023, 05:55:39 EDT
chthonic Impup (×1) Shop Purchase (Purchased from Imp Training Camp by chthonic for 5 Sesame Treats.) 5 August 2023, 00:10:52 EDT
chthonic Phloof (×1) Shop Purchase (Purchased from The Imporium by chthonic for 70 Carats.) 1 August 2023, 00:09:36 EDT
Nuggy-Cho chthonic Uniqor (×1) User Transfer 10 July 2023, 10:35:30 EDT
chthonic Usakii Phloof (×1) User Transfer 12 June 2023, 09:33:28 EDT
chthonic Fire Rabebe (×1) User Transfer 10 June 2023, 22:25:10 EDT
chthonic Ou-sama Egghel (×1) User Transfer 7 June 2023, 00:25:00 EDT
chthonic squish Egghel (×1) User Transfer 2 June 2023, 15:01:33 EDT
SUNHELLION chthonic Egghel (×1) User Transfer 28 May 2023, 00:24:58 EDT
p1ush6oi chthonic Rabebe (×1) User Transfer 27 May 2023, 18:28:59 EDT
chthonic Kunamei Bimble (×1) User Transfer 21 May 2023, 03:31:15 EDT
chthonic Kunamei Phloof (×1) User Transfer 21 May 2023, 03:30:53 EDT
D-l-io chthonic Egghel (×1) User Transfer 19 May 2023, 06:58:57 EDT