Revvin_in_Red's Currency Logs
- 5
Shop Purchase (Purchased Raspberry Dango from April Showers)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 375
User Shop Credit (Sold a Hell in a Handbasket (Favor) in Revvin' in the Relics)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 37
User Shop Credit (Sold a Yuzu Dango in Revvin' in the Relics)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 10
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Hellish Tithe)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
- 5
Shop Purchase (Purchased Hellish Tithe from Church of Sulfur)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 20
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Blackjack Hand)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
- 10
Shop Purchase (Purchased Blackjack Hand from Wonderland Casino)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 6
User Shop Credit (Sold a Sweet Bloomers in Revvin' in the Relics)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 5
User Shop Credit (Sold a Rainbow Jock Strap in Revvin' in the Relics)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
- 150
Shop Purchase (Purchased Keratini from The Rabbit Hole)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
- 10
Shop Purchase (Purchased Floral Mochi from April Showers)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 30
User Shop Credit (Sold a Quince’s Jock Strap in Revvin' in the Relics)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 4
User Shop Credit (Sold a Character Trunks in Revvin' in the Relics)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 65
User Shop Credit (Sold a Distilled Spirits in Revvin' in the Relics)
7 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 3
User Shop Credit (Sold a Watermelon in Revvin' in the Relics)
7 months and 3 weeks ago
+ 20
User Shop Credit (Sold a Bourbun in Revvin' in the Relics)
7 months and 3 weeks ago
+ 7
User Shop Credit (Sold a Sin and Tonic in Revvin' in the Relics)
7 months and 3 weeks ago