Fashionably Nerdy
The bustling crowds of the Toy Fair flowed effortlessly with the sort of magic that only large events possessed. No one was ever crushed underfoot, beyond the stray dropped toy that quickly lost itself into the hoard of shoppers.
It was not the kind of place that Michel ever thought he would go to willingly, if there was something he wanted, then he would have paid someone to get it for him.
However, dressed in an overcoat and a pair of sundresses, Michel found himself at this event for a very specific reason. A secret he wouldn’t dare disclose to his fans or anyone he knew.
It was only a few more steps, a few more stalls and booths, before he saw the one thing that made this entire trip worth it.
There, on a flimsy shelf, surrounded by other various toys, was Reirgiem, Lord Of The Green. A plastic figure of a large green dragon, with scales so detailed that Michel practically started to shake. He was the king of dragons in the game series Winser, Breaker of Dragons, and was the greed bun’s favorite character.
Michel had heard, through his private contacts that a new figure was going to be released at the Toy Fair and he didn’t dare miss it, after all ordering Reirgiem online might hurt him through transit and he could only imagine the rumors if such a package was on his door,
“Excuse me,” Michel called out, pitching his voice a octave lower, “I want that figure.”
The owner of the stall gave him a once over and huffed, “You might want to check that price again, this is a new fi-”
“Did ask for you to talk? Bag up the damn thing and take my carats.” The very nerve, he wanted his dragon and he would be damned if he couldn’t get him before some random succubun couldn’t keep their mouth shut.
The stall owner looked offended for a moment, but with the promise of an expensive sale, they relented and packed up the figure. They didn’t say a word as Michel paid and promptly picked up the box he was handed.
“Finally.” He scoffed, walking off and pointedly ignoring the whispered curse behind him. Some people just couldn’t handle not wasting his time.
But that’s didn’t matter to him, not when he got his beloved dragon. After all, always struggled to find figures of Reirgiem, but he believed it was because others just couldn’t appreciate his nuances. Reirgiem only wanted total domain over his lands and the hero’s party because he needed to protect his gold: Michel just didn’t understand why he had to be so hated by the fans.
It might also have helped that the voice actor had a velvety deep voice, but he would ignore that train of thought. What he really needed was to get home before anyone saw him and set up his dearest with his other figures.
He might even need to buy a new stand for his dragon!
Words: 504
Submitted By oldmanbecca
for Shiny New Toy
Submitted: 2 months and 1 week ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months and 1 week ago