MYO-6364: Captain Amore

Owned by KidGuardian
NicknamesHeartbreaker, Amore
PronounsShe/Her Age25-32 Years Old Bun TypeLust GenderFemale SexualityBi StatusSingle Voice Claim Barbatos Bachiko Height 5' 6''  OccupationPirate
Theme Sour Candy

captain Amore

Friendly· Flirty· Proud· Vampire

She is the captain of a pirate crew. She is a friendly lady who loves to steal people's hearts. She might come to steal your money but end up stealing your heart instead. She can be seen as really bossy but once in bed, she is a people pleaser.



  • Ocean
  • Tucker (Her Pet)
  • Candy (Lollipop)
  • Drinking Games


  • Law
  • Winter
  • Coffee
  • Getting Caught

✎Design Notes

He has a matching tattoo with his husband. With the clover representing his husband and the heart representing him. The colors match their eye color.

The spirit that is around him shows his true emotion. His face really can show his emotion but the spirit can.


  • While normally he doesn't like being called a female or jokes about him being feminine, he does like being called a housewife.
  • He tends to sleep most of the day with only the last 2.5 hours before Reth comes home and wakes up.
  • After marrying his husband he has become a smuggler for the prisoners.
  • Slumber is not his real name, just the name he goes by to hide.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ Mother- Daugther Type
Pronouns: She/They Age: 52

Nola is like her mother to Captain Amore. She always gets her out of trouble and gives her things, like candy. However, the candy always tastes weird; when she asks Nola about it, she only writes notes about it.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ Friends/"Walking Tease"
Pronouns: He/Him Age: 28

Captain Amore likes to call Lil' Jester a 'walking tease' Lil' Jester doesn't understand it. He tries not to tease other buns and always gives them a performance if they ask for one, he will tell jokes, juggle, and do fun jester/clown acts. But when he does that, Captain Amore says, "That's not what I mean by walking tease." To this day Lil' Jester still doesn't know what she is referring to.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ Hook-up/"Co-worker"
Pronouns He/They
Age: 24

Captain Amore and Slumbert met before on a couple of 'jobs'. Both of them go in to steal something at the same place, but never the same item. Slumber steals the items to sell, while Amore steals the money and candy. After a couple of jobs, they have hooked up before, and when Slumber got marry had a threesome with Reth.



crimes, crimes and more crimes:


Life on the sea:

il_fullxfull.6040085141_pefn.jpg Curabitur arcu odio, vestibulum sed ex vel, lacinia varius tellus. Nullam rhoncus velit vel turpis viverra, et viverra massa feugiat. Etiam eleifend ullamcorper ligula vel gravida. Proin sed scelerisque justo. Nam et imperdiet nisi, eget elementum orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla auctor eget nibh vitae imperdiet. Mauris dignissim viverra leo nec finibus. Morbi aliquet, est tempus eleifend posuere, risus metus consectetur lacus, ac ullamcorper orci metus ut diam. Pellentesque sed metus in velit convallis gravida. Nullam sed ligula ante. Donec condimentum mauris dictum accumsan laoreet. Praesent ullamcorper elit id ex porta, non mollis ipsum commodo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Becoming a Vampire:

prison-concept-jail-bars-and-handcuffs-dark-background-3d-illustration.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=6G_8lcD7RbDTHgI_CQCY3WTrh5ZGLBab0Sl7mogisvE= Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec mauris sed, tempus consectetur ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed pretium mollis consectetur. Sed nibh nisi, lobortis vel tempus a, aliquam ac urna. Donec vel quam consectetur, gravida quam et, lacinia mauris. Vivamus luctus lacus ut velit malesuada dignissim. Etiam nibh odio, scelerisque vitae lacus ut, tincidunt sodales nibh. Integer at magna dignissim, accumsan eros eget, viverra odio. Phasellus porta dui eu commodo pharetra. Morbi id lacus finibus, feugiat ex eget, porttitor neque.

Pellentesque feugiat hendrerit est. Cras vel suscipit magna. Morbi euismod est et sollicitudin ullamcorper. Suspendisse ante orci, sollicitudin fringilla lectus in, cursus faucibus arcu. Phasellus sed tellus sapien. Aenean aliquet a velit sit amet volutpat. Nam vel condimentum sem. Vestibulum ac lacinia neque. Nunc pulvinar, justo a dignissim ultricies, justo lectus sagittis sem, sed fermentum elit ante bibendum neque. Phasellus tincidunt sapien tortor, in venenatis dui imperdiet ut. Integer tempus nisl et urna tempor, blandit facilisis dolor placerat. Nunc eget tristique eros. Sed malesuada lacus nunc, auctor commodo sem efficitur sed.

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