BUN-873: Andre

Owned by Pooch

2025 Breeding Partner:BUN-147.
behemutt  has permission to breed this succubun.*

Andre is a lustful bun who likes to indulge in passion and emotions, loving and desiring bringing other new experiences. He is the owner of a night club called Kiss. A place where rules are a bit more loose and passion is often shown on the floor. He loves and thrives on indulging in the sin of lust, and has made a space where other buns can indulge in that sin too, with partners or strangers, whatever they are into. He provided the space and the safety for people to push their own boundaries a bit further. 

Andre, while easy to catch the attention of at the club, is hard to keep capture when it comes to some sense of exclusivity. Though that does mean that he instead is happy to indulge in any club goers, giving them a good first, second or hundredth experience. Often wanting the club goers to place their lipstick covered lips upon his body afterward so he can count and show how many times he has had fun that night. 

At the club he has the wonderful support of his best friend Hyouga to make sure that everything is safe and good. The two of them a deadly duo should they ever decide to join forces together in any other ways than professional. Hyouga acts as his bouncer and his second in command. The two of them easily run the show together, even if they don't always see eye to eye on how some things should be managed. 

Andre's lust stems from his intense need to bring other buns good experiences, wanting to share his own passions and fun with other potentially like minded individuals. He thrives on the attention and good feel it gives him, something he has always enjoyed since he was a baby bun. 

Favorite drink? Moscow mule

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